The Puppeteer: Part 3

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When Marinette stops rambling she turns around to look at Adrien through the window again, we look through too to see him talking with Luka when he notices us and waves with a smile, prompting Adrien to turn around and wave as well, Mari instantly taking cover behind us as I whisper to her as Alya and I wave back. "They're waving." "Oh no, now what are we gonna do?" She asks and Alya pulls her forward, forcing her to wave as well.

Suddenly we watch as a blue mist starts to cover Alya as it reverted her into...Lady Wifi?! "Alya?!" We both ask before she turns to Marinette with a demanding look. "Marinette, give me those Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir dolls!" Lady Wifi demands as we continue to stare at her confused.

"Lady Wifi?" "No! I'm Puppeteer and I want those dolls. NOW!" She shouts at us as if she was a little kid throwing a temper tantrum. "Puppeteer? The dolls? I don't...I don't have them, they're at home w-why do you want them, Puppeteer?"Marinette stutters and Lady Wifi huffs the answer out. "Because! You said I could have them and then Mommy said no! So give them to me now! Or you'll be super duper sorry!" Both of our eyes widen in shock, no way...Don't tell me that Manon was akumatized? I step a little bit closer to her and shout "Manon stop! This isn't a game!"

"I want Ladybug's, Chat Noir's, and (s/n)'s miraculouses to win! Forever and ever!" She shouts at me as the train comes to a stop and Lady Wifi takes off and Marinette chases her to the stairs shouting "Seriously Manon! This isn't a game!" "Wasn't that Lady Wifi? What did she say to you?" Luka asks as he runs up to us.

Before we could answer a hand grabbed Mari's shoulder and we turn to see Chat Noir. "Hey, that was Lady Wifi, that villain say anything to you?" He pretty much asks what Luka had asked. "I'm not sure but her voice belonged to a little girl I babysit. It's as if she was controlling my friend Alya- I mean Lady Wifi from a distance." "And what was all this talk about dolls?" "I've got some dolls at home she likes to play with." "Your dolls- Ok where do you live?"Marinette answers him yet again before he takes off when my thoughts train to Nathaniel and Officer Roger, they would meet the same fate and could end up hurting people in the process. "Nathaniel and Officer Roger could accidentally hurt people if they're transformed..."

I mutter catching Mari and Luka's attention. "We have to warn them! Let's split up searching for them," Marinette says taking off and I feel Luka grab me before I could take off as well and I turn to see an apprehensive look. "I'll be fine, all Puppeteer cares about right now are those dolls, as long as I stay away from the bakery I'll be safe and if it's too late to help those two I'll stay away," I reason with him and reluctantly he lets go before taking off shouting at me to be safe.

"Alright Flaake, I don't like the idea of Chat Noir rummaging around in my room, I don't think Mari would appreciate her stuff being rummaged through either." "Just say the words." "Flaake Freeze!" I take off toward the bakery and when I get there I'm met with Ladybug hailing Chat Noir over.

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