Ladybug & Chat Noir Origins (2): Part 5

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"No!" I shouted running up to the police barrier when Ladybug jumped while Chat Noir jumped from his pole, touched the tower and it began to rust as he slid to the end of the stick and grabbed Ivan while Ladybug grabbed Mylène and caught the butterfly before activating a parachute! Yes!

"Miraculous Ladybug!" She shouts, tossing the parachute in the air as millions if not trillions of ladybugs start swarming everywhere, fixing any damage done to the city. It's...Beautiful! The police started to clear out but by the time they finished the two heroes had already disappeared. Marinette and I were walking to school with Alya who was complaining about missing the fight. "So by the time I biked to the Eiffel Tower, it was all over! I'm way bummed!"

"Don't worry you'll get your scoop eventually," Marinette tells her with a smile as I nod. "You're right, next target: Ladybug: An exclusive interview!" "Ooo, sounds exciting." "Or wait even better: Finding out who's really under that mask."

I let out a chuckle as I tell her "Uh-huh, good luck with that one." We walk into the classroom and start heading to our seats when Mari stops us. "No, wait! She gestures toward our old seats, smiling. I sit behind Marinette and Alya and next to Juleka again as we fist bump, Chloé and Sabrina soon walking in and spotting us in our original seating.

"Um you're in the wrong seats, go on get lost!" She demands, snapping her finger before pointing at the other sets. Before Alya or I could say anything Marinette spoke up. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing." "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means I'm not putting up with your crud anymore Chloé and neither is anyone else around here so take your attitude and go on get lost!" Mari tells of Chloé, pointing at the seats she forced us to sit in. The class started to laugh while Chloé growled stomping over to her original seat.

"Good job," I compliment, hitting Marinette on the shoulder lightly when Adrien walked into class, giving us a wave, causing Marinette to give him the cold shoulder.

The school day had ended and it was pouring outside, I had checked the weather earlier so I knew this would happen. Grabbing my umbrella from my locker I went outside to meet Marinette so I could walk her home. As I approached I noticed Adrien walk up to her. Deciding to be nosy I sneak up to the door and listen in to their conversation.

"Hey," Another cold shoulder. He sighs before opening his umbrella and starts to explain. "I just wanted you to know that I was only trying to take the chewing gum off your seat I swear. I've never been to school before, I've never had friends, it's all sorta new to me."

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