Mr. Pigeon: Part 3

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I start racing over the town for any sight of Mr. Pigeon, Ladybug, Chat Noir, or any pigeons I should follow. I stop in my tracks when I see pigeons flying together in the shape of aircrafts, what the? I look around and see Ladybug on another roof just as Chat landed on that roof too letting out a sneeze ad rolling down the roof.

I land next to Ladybug just in time to hear Chat say "I'm allergic to feathers," He lets out another sneeze as Ladybug quips "That's helpful." "Tell me about it," He goes to sneeze again but manages to hold it in this time. I hold in a snort before he explains the situation. "These birds are only part of the problem. The park keepers in Paris are vanishing without a trace," This gets Ladybug's and my attention as I state:

"We have to track down Mr. Pigeon ASAP!" "And where are we gonna find him?" Chat asks me and I tap my chin in thought. "I don't know where we can find him but I do know where he can find us," I say before telling them my idea which Ladybug agreed with.

Within a few minutes, Chat Noir was wearing a police hat and standing in the park, Ladybug and I hiding nearby when Chat starts to dance. "Act natural or he'll never show up," Ladybug scolds him and he tells her as he moonwalks by "What do you mean? I am acting natural," While the two start to bicker I look around, not even a pigeon in sight. I get that I'm not as creative as Ladybug but geez you'd think this would attract some activity.

"Where is he? He should have been here by now," Ladybug asks and I shrug. "DunnoI figured what looked like a police officer would catch his attention but I guess not," That's when we hear Chat sneeze and we look up to see a huge flock of pigeons start to swarm Chat. "I think you spoke too soon," Ladybug exclaims as we take off after the flock.

We follow the pigeons all the way to the mayor's hotel and we watch from a little way as Chat Noir is dropped on the roof. But all we saw was a bunch of pigeons just idling by staring at him. We jump onto the roof just as Chat asks "Where's that birdbrain, Mr. Pigeon?" "He's gotta be here somewhere," Ladybug tells him before I chime in. "Or he'll be showing up soon to try something. Keep your guard up guys."

Suddenly all the pigeons start to fly above us in a circle causing Ladybug to comment "Call me crazy but I feel like birdseed all of a sudden." "Got any bright ideas, bug? Bear?" "You're the cat, don't you eat these things for breakfast?" I snark at him as we hear the loud cluttering of a cage dropping around us before the pigeons stop flying. "RROOO! Tippy day, so listen!" We hear and look up to see Mr. Pigeon.

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