Kung Food: Part 5

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Just as Mayor Bourgeois was about to grab Chat's ring, Ladybug shouts at him. "You got the wrong superhero Bourgeois! I bet you don't know how to do this," She proceeds to spin her yoyo before throwing it up and catching it. I don't exactly know what she's getting at but I'll help. Walking up to her stating "Please, he's got sausage and potatoes strung together for a weapon, not exactly strong. Anyone could do that," I proceed to do it and he asks "Really? You two?" He asks, spinning his weapon when it gets caught in the chandelier above him.

He struggles to pull it free and Ladybug and I giggle when it breaks and the chandelier falls on top of him. "Nice work ladies, shall we go and find the head chef?" Chat Noir asks, pointing at the hole in the ceiling. Climbing up through the hole LB tells us "We're almost there."

"Great, all this fighting has made me hungry," Chat jokes, rubbing his stomach and I poke him. "I'm sure it's almost time for the main meal." "Kung Food is generous. No need to choose between cheese and dessert. You get to have both," We hear Kung Food state when the elevator doors open ad out steps Alec and Marlena. "Watch the spectacular demonstration of the famous thousand flying cakes!" Marlena jumps up in the air and starts shooting candy arrows at us, causing us to move deeper into the room and use our weapons to break the arrows.

"Our guests seem to have a few tricks up their sleeve. But how will they fare against the blinding stinky cheese bombs?" Alec asks soon setting off said stinky cheese bombs at us. I dodge just a bit late, earning a very potent stinky smell and I cough out "Yep that stinky enough to burn the eyes..."

Ladybug charges at Marlena breaking her arrow with a kick, the two exchange a kick before LB uses her as a launchpad. Alec was currently targeting me again when Chat Noir charges at him, causing his shot to go wide and miss me. "Hey!" He shouts as he's pushed toward Ladybug who uses his back as a shield from the arrow, knocking him down and a cheese bomb blew up in Marlena's face, rendering the two from fighting. "I think it's about time we had the second course," LB quips as we finally make it to the roof.

What we find is Chloé slowly inching downward into the pool which was filled with boiling soup. Quickly I throw my knife, cutting the rope, giving Ladybug enough time to catch and bring her back to safety next to me and Chat Noir.

"Ladybug! What took you so long?! Just wait till I tell everyone that you-WAGH!" Chloé starts to complain before LB promptly and deservingly drops her. "Oops." "Oh no. My Brat's Soup will be so flavorless," We hear Kung Food grumble and Ladybug tries to reason with him while I cut Chloé free.

"I know you're more honorable than this Cheng Sifu!" "I am not Cheng Sifu. I am Kung Food, the greatest chef in the world and nobody will stop me from finishing my brat soup!" He shouts, pulling out two baton sticks while I cut the rope, holding Chloé, telling her "Get out of here!" She makes a run for it while the three of us charge at Kung Food. "I'll take care of you three myself!" He charges at us as well, swinging one stick, forcing Chat to move back while I kick his other hand up, giving him only enough time to slap Ladybug away from him before he had to block Chat's stick and kick him back, causing him to knock into me.

Ladybug kicks the batons out of his hands and they go flying into the air before she dodged a punch and a kick, soon backflipping away and catching the batons, throwing them into the soup. "Guys, his akuma must be in his chef's hat try to grab it!" She instructs us when we started exchanging blows with him. He reaches into his bag and blows some red powder into Chat's face just as I dropped and rolled out of the way.

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