Luka Chapter Ten

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I tap my fingers on my leg anxiously as I wait for (y/n) to pick up the phone. I hope she says yes. I was going to ask her out to the mime premiere that was happening tomorrow by one of Juleka's classmate's dad. After the fourth ring she picks up. "Janet's hair salon what can I do for you today?" I chuckle at her joke as I ask "What are you up to?" "Nothing much, just homework, which you saved me from. My hero, how could I ever repay you?"

I practically hear her smirk as she says it and I smirk right back as I tell her "Well if you really want to make it up to me that badly you could be my date to the mime premiere tomorrow, how about it?" I can hear her mumble something under her breath before responding. "Well you've got me corned, the only answer I can give is a yes."

A wide grin spreads across my face as I silently fist bump. "Glad I came up with a great argument to get you to say yes," She lets out a laugh as she sarcastically responds. "Yes because clearly, you spent hours coming up with that." "Clearly, I'll meet up with you at the bakery?" "Always. Alright, I gotta go, this homework won't finish itself, see ya." "See ya," She ends the call and I fall on my bed muttering happily "She said yes..."

The next day time seemed to inch slowly as I waited for the time to meet up with (y/n) come. It probably didn't help I looked at the clock any chance I got. Finally, the time came to head out and I wave goodbye to mom as I made my way to the bakery. When I reached it I pull out my phone to call (y/n) when she rounds the corner with her phone out, likely to call me.

We both laugh a little before I ask "You ready for the premiere?" She nods and we start to walk when Ladybug flies by us and we watch her whiz by. "What's she doing here? There's not an akuma is there?" I ask, worry starting to cloud my mind and I look at (y/n), concerned for her safety. "I don't think so, I haven't gotten an alert, maybe she's patrolling or something," She tells me, as she stared up at where Ladybug was. We continued to walk to the premiere, discussing anything and everything coming to mind, my cheeks once again turning pink after talking with her for a while.

I stare down at her hand, longing to hold it but I wasn't sure if she was ok with it. After mentally fighting with myself about I lightly grab her hand and gently hold it, quickly gaining her attention. "Do you mind?" I ask sheepishly and she thankfully shakes her head with a smile and squeezes my hand. "Not at all."

I smile as she allows me to hold her hand, this was progress, I've been showing her that I'm interested in her for quite some time now but I'm not sure if she's ready for a relationship, But it's ok, I'll wait for as long as I have to for her. That's when a car flies through the air, gaining our attention before Ladybug saves it with her yoyo. "An akuma, run!" (y/n) suddenly shouts as she takes off without me and I chase after her. "Wha-Hey! (y/n) wait!" I call out but it was too late, I had lost her...

Thanks to the akuma attack I was forced to stay hidden inside, as per protocol, it took hours for the heroes to stop the akuma, there were only a few minutes before the show by the time I was let out. I reach the premiere and I'm relieved to see (y/n) sitting in her seat waving Marinette and me over.

"Glad to see you weren't harmed." "Yeah, next we'll work on having an outing that isn't interrupted by Hawkmoth," She says and we laugh. The show starts and feeling nervous something might happen again, I grab hold of (y/n)'s hand to reassure myself she was still here. We were all heading back home together, Marinette talking about what she liked more before apologizing about deleting a video. After explaining what happens Alya laughs soon telling her it was alright because she predicted this would happen so she uploaded it to her blog first. "I'm so lucky to have a friend like you. Now that we're good, you probably don't care about the surprise I planned for you," This catches our attention.

"Screw up or no screw up, you know I love surprises!" Alya is directed into the building in front of us before Mari tells us "This will take a while, why don't you two go home, I'll wait for Alya here," We nod and I take her back home, quickly hugging her before I head home myself, wondering when there will be a day akumas don't ruin our outings.

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