Darkblade: Part 3

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Rushing up the stairs of City Hall, I entered the main hall where the campaign party was being held where Mayor Bourgeois was welcoming the class and introducing Jagged Stone before the signing began. "I'm pleased to welcome you all to the official launch of Chloé's electoral campaign and a special thank you to world-famous pop star Jagged Stone for endorsing her." "And when you vote for me you all get free tickets to Jagged's next concert."

I hear as I approach and spot Alya and Mari holding signed copies of Jagged's music and I clear my throat in front of them. "You guys get an autograph?" I sarcastically droll with my arms crossed and they lead me away from the crowd.

"Yeah, we got you one too!" Mari tells me before Alya apologizes, handing me the autograph. "Sorry, couldn't help ourselves," I fought the urge to take it, soon shaking my head. "Nope, not having it but I'll forgive you if you both vote for me," The two nod and I pat their backs before addressing everyone else. "Do you realize you're all being bribed? Sure free concert tickets are awesome but that won't fix classroom problems." "So then what's your campaign then (y/n)?" Nathaniel asks and I'm quick to respond.

"I'm thinking cushions would be more realistic than buying new chairs, and that way everyone could have whatever color cushion they wanted like Rose, your's could be very pink. I'll also see about listening to music in the library, through headphones of course. From there I can see what changes everyone else wants to see and makes changes that seem fit," I say when Chloé walks up and scoffs at me.

"Remarkable you actually sound like a class rep. Too bad you don't have a chance at winning," She then leans close to my ear. "A word?" Dragging me to a pillar I see Sabrina hiding behind it and clamped down on her hand was my magic box.

"You stole my private property? What exactly do you think you're doing?" I angrily ask and Chloé smirks. "If you don't pull out of the race all your secrets will be revealed," I raise my eyebrow at her asking "What secrets?" I have to play it cool or I'll give Chloé even more reason to snoop where she shouldn't. "I guess we'll find out as soon as I get my hands on a chainsaw!" That's when we hear trumpets playing outside and we peek out through the main doors.

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