Reflekta: Part 6

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"Turn off the lights quickly!" She orders as she starts dodging Reflkta's shots and we take off toward the lights, the room soon falling into complete darkness. We could hear ladybug taunt Reflkta as she starts taking photos with the flash on blinding the girl while she chased LB in circles. When she had finally grabbed someone she stares in disbelief to see her own face staring back at her and another look-alike grabs her wrist, letting Ladybug grab the bracelet and throw it to the ground, the akuma soon flying out and the de evilization process begins.

With that our faces are returned and LB compliments us. "You were awesome you two." "And with those shoes on too," Chat Noir jokes and I chime in. "By the way, those things should be illegal," Chat nods in agreement as we turn our attention to Reflkta who had been turned back into Juleka thankfully.

"Pound it!" "Could you take this girl back to her school Mr. Bourgeois?" Ladybug tasks the mayor before taking her leave before I soon follow and head straight back to school. "You were right Flaake, stealing this was a bad choice..." I trail off taring the photographer's memory card as she asks me "So you're not going to erase the photo?" "Nope. Plus I've got another idea which I think you'll approve of," Flaake gives me a smile and I head inside to find the photographer about to take the next class photo. Before heading over to him I walk up to Chloé and hand her, her phone back. "Excuse me sir but you dropped this," I catch his attention and hand him the memory card.

"Thank you." "Listen I know you're very busy but one of our classmates wasn't in the photo you took and I was wondering if there's any way we could do it again?" He gives me an apprehensive look as he explains the situation. "Well, I'm already running late with everything that's been happening, and Mr. Damocles..." He trails off and I look at the inpatient principal. "I understand but what if we did it when you finished up here? We could set it up in the park next door. Please? We want the most awesome photo taken by the most awesome photographer," I plead, and thankfully he agrees.

After school, everyone in our class who wanted to participate gathered around the setup park benches and Mari whispers to me "This photo was a good idea, and even better I'm standing next to Adrien!" I laugh at the girl's antics as the photoshoot began and we all made sure Juleka was front in center for all to see.

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