The Violinist: Part 4

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"Ladybug!" Chat Noir calls out worriedly as The Violinist chases after Ladybug and the two start exchanging blows. While the two were preoccupied Chat Noir sneaks up to Mr. Smith and pulls him out of the grip of The Violinist's two goons and tells him to leave when suddenly music flies his way, making a huge explosion where the two originally stood. Chat Noir and Mr. Smith had been sent flying back from the blast.

"He's not going anywhere!" The Violinist bellows before Ladybug grabs hold of her and throws her over her and she lands harshly on the ground. "Chat Noir get him outta here now!" Ladybug calls out as she runs to the two. The Violinist gets up angrily and lets out a low growl before sending out another music wave with the command to "Freeze."

The three of them suddenly couldn't move their feet as much as they tried and stared at the akumatized victim in shock as she darkly walked toward them. "Like I said this has nothing to do with you. He must pay for what he did. For hurting Luka!" "Luka? Wait a minute (y/n)?" Ladybug mumbles to herself before staring at her friend sadly she had always thought (y/n) would be the one to never get akumatized but it looks like this guy pushed the wrong person too far.

"(y/n). I understand you're upset but this is not the way to fix the problem. Please let us help you, let me de-akumatize you and whatever is wrong we'll help," She pleads, only earning an agitated look from The Violinist who used her powers to command Ladybug to shut up as she approached. "Shut up. I don't want your help only this power can make things right but before I give out my justice I'll be taking those earrings and Chat Noir's ring," She makes to grab the earrings, using one hand to hold Ladybug's hands together. "No!" Chat Noir shouts, extending his staff and hitting The Violinist sending her into a wall which breaks the spell and the two heroes take off with Mr. Smith.

Once at a far enough distance Chat Noir asks "Geez what did you do?" "Nothing more than a business transaction," Mr. Smith huffs, crossing his arms before walking off. "Where are you going?" "You'll deal with that girl right which means no matter what I'm safe, I'm going to City Hall to finish the paperwork," Before the two heroes could argue he was already gone. "My question is where's (s/n)?" Ladybug mutters tapping her chin.

"Yeah, it's not like her to not show up," Chat mutters when suddenly Flaake appears crying out "Ladybug! I finally found you!" "Huh? Who are you?" She asks and Flaake goes to sarcastically droll before catching herself. "A fair- Ahem, I'm Flaake, (s/n)'s kwamii. She's in trouble." "(s/n)'s kwamii?! She's in trouble?!" The two ask in shocked unison.

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