The Violinist: Part 1

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I approach the tall performance hall in front of me and I can't help but wonder why Luka wanted to meet me here to teach me violin. Shrugging it off I enter the building and head to the practice room where Luka was already waiting for me. He was practicing on the violin so I don't make my presence known immediately and I watched, taking in the beautiful melody that surrounded the room. When Luka finishes his piece I walk up to him clapping. "That was beautiful Luka, how come it's only been recently I learned you could play?"

I ask and he gives me a smile stating "You never asked. Now then are you ready to learn the basics?" I nod my head in agreement as for the next few minutes he shows me what chord each string was, and how to properly hold it. After that he pulls out some music sheets for simple songs like row, row, row your boat, and twinkle twinkle little star. 

Getting ready, I adjust the violin to fit me and read the sheet again before trying to play, definitely not the best thing I've played in a long while but I guess that's what you get for being a noob at something new. "You know it would be easier to play if you took off your gloves," Luka suggests after a few attempts at the song in front of me. I put down the violin and look down at my gloves muttering "I guess..."

Would it be a good idea to take them off? I mean they are how I become (s/n) and Paris could need me at any moment with how trigger-happy Hawkmoth is with his akumas... Luka places his hand over my shoulder. "It's ok they'll only be off for a couple of minutes," I nod and head over to my stuff in the corner of the room and start to take them off, Flaake soon peeking out asking with crossed arms "Are you sure this is a good idea? Paris could need you, you know." "I know that it's only gonna be for a couple of minutes just like Luka said and besides if Paris needs me they'll be right here." "I still don't think you should-" Flaake is cut off by me taking off the gloves and walk back over to Luka where we practice some more.

It had only been about ten minutes before two men walk into the room, causing us to stop and look at them. "Ben for the last time you can't afford this place anymore it's old, people aren't coming here anymore, and the mayor wants to add a new shopping mall here." "I understand Mr. Smith I just wish there was something I could do. I'm sorry Luka but you and your friend will have to leave," Ben says turning to us. "Why? What's going on?" "The mayor isn't letting me keep this place, it's not being useful enough to him so I've gotta sell it." "What's going to happen to this place?" I ask and Ben sighs. "It'll become a shopping mall." Luka's eyes widen as he mutters a no with a downcast look.

I frown at the sight, soon asking "Is there nothing we can do to stop this from happening?" Luka had told me before that this is where he learned to play his first few instruments and held his concerts with his class here so it was special to him. I wouldn't let them destroy this place. Ben shakes his head Mr. Smith gives me an annoyed look, pointing toward the exit, stating "No. Now get out before the cops are called," I give him a look of disbelief as Ben walks Mr. Smith out, Luka telling me "Come on (y/n), there's nothing we can do," He then glumly goes to pack up his stuff.

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