Kung Food: Part 3

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The three of us were patiently waiting in the lobby for Cheng Sifu, making some small talk when we watch the cameraman run past us with a bunch of flying eyeballs chasing after him? "Get out! Get out while you still can!" An eyeball flies up to us and a screen appears showing a purple man wearing a chef's hat. "Not polite to leave table without permission. Cut off all exits!"

He demands and within mere moments we watch something honey-looking like cover the doors and windows, preventing them from being open. "Is that caramel?" I ask as the sticky stuff oozed and the scent filled the room. Sticking some on his finger and licking it off Adrien nods before knocking on the door. "It might taste good but it's totally indestructible, looks like we're trapped inside." "My Great Uncle is still upstairs!" Marinette exclaims worriedly and Adrien reassures her. "Don't worry, I'll find him." "Thanks, we'll look for a way out of here," Mari tells him and I point down the hall. "You check down that hall, I check down this one," I take off but stop when I come across another projected screen.

"You are going to taste Kung Food's soup. Everybody become my servants and Kung Food become world's greatest chef!" No way...Don't tell me that's- Quickly I rush into a closet and Flaake flies out. "You know what to do." "Yeah, save Marinette's uncle, she'll be heartbroken if he stays like that. Flaake Freeze!"

After transforming I backflip back into the main lobby and land in front of Ladybug and Chat Noir. "Chat Noir, Ladybug!" "(s/n), Chat Noir?" "Ladybug, (s/n)...I don't know about you ladies but I'm a bit hungry," Chat says and I cross my arms stating "It's a good thing we're at the nicest hotel then, I heard it has the best dishes." "Let's go eat then, shall we?" Ladybug tells us as we run to the elevators and try to call one.

"It's jammed," Chat says when a projected screen pops up behind us. "Ladybug, (s/n), Chat Noir, you soon have privilege of being ingredients to Kung Food soup! But first taste my special of the day," He gestures to the elevator which opens to reveal Jagged with a sword made of seafood and he finishes what Kung Food was saying. "Seafood appetizers." "Jagged Stone!" Ladybug and I exclaim in shock when Chat lets out a joke. "Seafood? This scampi happening. Let's see if you can carry a tuna." "Look out!"

We jump back as Jagged swings his sword down at us. "This isn't very rock and roll of you Jagged Stone," I comment and he shakes his head. "Rock and roll is one thing and soup is another. When I'm done with you, you'll be nothing but minced meat!"

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