The Bubbler: Part 3

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As I was singing I couldn't help but smile as I noticed everyone started to relax a little and actually started enjoying themselves. By the time I finished, everyone was genuinely smiling as more music started to play, mission accomplished now I can go find somewhere to transform. I step down from the stage and start to look around for a place when I suddenly see a familiar blue hair color. "Luka?" I silently question, what was he doing here?

I follow after the guy and grab his wrist, he turns to look at me before he realizes who grabbed him. "Luka? What are you doing here?" I ask him, letting his wrist go.

"A bubble had picked me up and brought me here, the Bubbler might think I'm part of your class," He comments, glancing at the Bubbler and I grip my bag/ purse strap. "Yeah, let's hope Ladybug, Chat Noir, and that new hero show up soon," I mutter, as I started to feel antsy to transform, where we were Ladybug and Chat Noir anyway? Suddenly while I was talking with Luka, a slow dance song started to play. Isn't it early to be playing a slow dance song? I look at the DJ station and see Chloé walking from the station to Adrien.

Of course, everyone starts to pair up and dance when I feel my hand lightly being grabbed. I look toward the owner of the hand. "Care to dance?" He asks me with a smile and I feel my cheeks go pink. "Uh y-yeah..." I stutter out and he gently brings me closer to him and we start to dance. I've never slow danced with a guy before so I didn't know how to react.

So I was basically swaying or dancing or whatever you wanna call it with Luka with an unsure face. Halfway through the song, it cuts off and a new tune starts to play. Luka and I take a step away from each other and give each other a smile when Alya runs up to me. "(y/n), I found Marinette let's go!" She grabs my hand and drags me towards the food buffet as I try to wave goodbye to Luka.

"Where have you been, girl? We've been so scared something happened to you!" Alya exclaims, getting Mari's attention as we walked up to her and we hugged. "Me too!" "I'm sure Ladybug and Chat Noir will show up in a minute to save us all. They've never failed us, meanwhile, come with me, I've got something for you," Alya stated as she starts to walk away, Marinette soon stuttering. "Uh...There's something I have to do first." "It's about Adrien~" Alya baits her and we both can't help but smirk when we hear her exasperated "Okay..."

We go into the mansion and Alya leads us into a room where Marinette's gift lay on a desk. "Look, now you can sign your gift." "Yes!" While those two were distracted I sneak away into another room to transform, the Bubbler had been put off for long enough. "Flaake Freeze!" I shout as the transformation begins.

I cover my hands with my face, moving them up and to the side, leaving behind my mask and ears before twisting my body like I was going to spin and do a half spin as the white mist creates the rest of my suit. Lifting my arms up, the kunai knives appear and I grab them before spinning them and standing in a defensive position.

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