The Bubbler: Part 6

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Once we get there we see the students hiding from the Bubbler as he looks around and asks "Where is everybody? Get out here and party!" "Sorry to burst your bubble," Ladybug apologizes, gaining everyone's attention as the students started cheering for us and I can't help a snarky comment out. "No one wants to party with you Bubbler." "What's wrong with all you guys?! Why you gotta be such haters?!" He asks in pure anger, soon taking out his stick and throwing green bubbles at the students as they start to float up, all three of us shouting:

"No!" "Outer space is the next stop for your precious peeps and they're never coming back!" Bubbler tells us before running off, forcing us to chase him.

We travel all the way back to the Eiffel tower, dodging his explosive bubble attacks as we landed on the same floor as him. Another explosive bubble was shot at us and we quickly dodge, Chat Noir skidding to a stop as his ring started beeping again. "I'm gonna switch back soon, hurry!" "LUCKY CHARM!"

A large wrench falls into Ladybug's hands, I swear her Lucky Charm gives her the weirdest things. "Are your plumbing skills gonna help us out?" Chat asks and she shrugs. "Look out!" I shout, tackling Chat Noir out of the way of another explosive bubble as we start running up the tower to continue to avoid the deadly bubbles.

"Could use a little work, is that all you got?" I ask, provoking Bubbler so Ladybug could think. She looks around before running off to do her thing, the Bubbler still targeting Chat Noir and me. Suddenly a tube blowing out steam flies up and Ladybug calls out to us. "Chat Noir! (s/n)! Cover me!" We look at each other and nod, hopping down on the tube, using the tube to blowback the bubbles. Before he could move I shout "Ice Storm!" I made a small orb that looked like ice and snow and threw it at the Bubbler, ice beginning to freeze over his body, forcing him to lift his bubble stick, giving Ladybug the perfect chance to use her yoyo to grab the stick and snap it, the akuma flying out.

"Get out of here you nasty bug! No more evil-doing for you little akuma. Time to de-evilize! Gotcha!" Ladybug says doing her thing once again, freeing a white butterfly from her yoyo.

The dark purple mist surrounds Bubbler, reverting him back to Nino and we pound it. "Pound it!" The next day at school, Alya, Marinette, and I catch Chloé shouting at Sabrina. "What do you mean "Not for a week"?!" "There were no adults yesterday to deliver it," Sabrina timidly explains to her. "So what? Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" Chloé stomps off in anger while we laugh. "Serves Chloé right."

"Hey girls," We hear Adrien call out to us as he steps out of the car, and Mari squeals "Hey that's my scarf! He's wearing my scarf!" We both gave Marinette a smile in a nod, the bright blue scarf stood out on him.

"Yo, nice scarf Adrien, off the chain!" Alya calls out to him. "Yeah, can you believe my Dad got this for me? It's so awesome, he's given me the same lame pen for three years in a row," We give him a strange look, his dad? Who told him his dad gave him that? "Wow, I guess anyone can change. Adults can be cool when you least expect it," Nino comments with a shrug before Adrien apologizes to Nino. "Speaking of adults, I know my Father said you were a bad influence but-" "We're good Adrien, don't sweat it. We're buds, always and forever."

Nino cuts him off, reassuring him as they walked into the school. "We gotta tell him you're the one who knitted the scarf," I exclaim and Alya nods but before we could start to walk after them Mari shakes her head no. "But he seems so happy about his dad, I don't wanna spoil it for him," Alya and I look at each other and nod before pulling her in for a hug. "Oh Marinette, you're an amazing girl, you know that right? And someday Adrien will figure it out too, promise."

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