Simon Says: Part 5

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It wasn't long until Simon Say's army bursts through the doors, Luka dragging Nino and me into hiding, and Gabriel is captured. They were gone by the time Ladybug and Chat Noir got back to the atrium. From there they quickly took us each back home before going after Simon Says. "Well doesn't this bring us one step closer to bringing Simon Says down," Flaake rolls her eyes as she watches Ladybug vanish and I poke her. "No one said being a superhero would be easy. Flaake Freeze!"

I head straight back to the studio and meet up with LB and Chat our attention soon turning toward a tv. "Welcome to another exciting hour of a challenge. Good evening again from Simon Says. Viewers I've kept my promise, here's Gabriel!" Simon Says has Mr. Agreste dragged onto the stage.

"Simon says you are...A butterfly," Gabriel starts jumping around, flapping his arms while repeating the words "Flap, flap, flutter, flutter." "We've gotta save Mr. Agreste," Chat exclaims as we watch the man act like a fool. "Tomorrow butterfly you will be no more," Simon Says stated, showing off his cards. "The akuma's gotta be in one of those cards," Ladybug says as we stare at the screen and I point out "There's so many of them, how are we supposed to tell which one has the akuma?"

LB shrugs before we charge into the studio, gaining Simon Says's attention. "Ladybug, Chat Noir, (s/n). You can save him by handing over your miraculouses. Do the right thing," He threatens us, and Ladybug rolls her eyes. "In your dreams. LUCKY CHARM!" A yoyo falls into her hands. 

"A regular yoyo? But you've got a magical one," Chat Noir points out staring down at the new yoyo. "I'll figure it out later," She goes to attack Simon Says, resulting in her yoyo breaking. "Simon says your yoyo is useless!" Chat Noir and I continue to charge at him with our staff/ knives and I manage to trap his wrist within my kunai knives, forcing him to drop his card.

"Useless? I don't think so," Chat lightly mocks as we continue to attack while LB ripped up discarded cards on the floor. "Simon says-" "Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah~" Chat Noir sings, cutting Simon Says off. "It doesn't matter if you can hear me or not. All that is important is what Simon Says. Simon says to remove your miraculous and give them to me!" He throws a bunch of cards at us and Chat Noir tackles Ladybug to the floor while I jump to the rafters. "This is no time for flirting Chat Noir!" I call out when I see him not get off of Ladybug but leans in close to her face.

She shoves him aside and Simon Says's attention turned toward Gabriel. "Simon says take off little airplane," Gabriel heads for the roof and Chat starts to chase after him. "He's headed for the roof! We have to stop him!" Ladybug holds him back by his 'tail'. "We have to stop Simon to stop Gabriel!" "You guys deal with Simon, I'll stop Mr. Agreste before something happens," I say before taking off after the man.

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