Luka Chapter Fifteen

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"Yeah, I'd be happy to be a part of your team," I answer Nino who had called me through (y/n) to ask if I wanted to participate with them on the game show The Challenge. I would always be happy to spend more time with (y/n).

The next day I was at the Kidz+ television with the two plus Adrien who came along to support us. "Welcome back to everyone's favorite live game show The Challenge! Let's give it up for our next awesome contestants who have paired up into a group, Nino, (y/n), and Luka!" Alec the host introduces us as we come up onto the stage. "So what's up you three? You're students and you've each got your own musical talents, that's pretty awesome. Check out the decks we've got for you."

We turn around to see the instruments we had requested and (y/n) gives me and the violin in my hand a curious look. "Wait I thought you played guitar?" "I do but I also play the violin. I can teach you sometime," I answer with a wink before tuning the violin.

She happily agrees before our attention turns back to Alec who explains to us our challenge. "So the challenge I've chosen for you is to get the mayor of Paris André Bourgeois to dance!" The video call with the mayor starts up on the big screen and Alec asks "Thank you for agreeing to play with us, sir. What are this group's chances tonight?" "Zero. I despise dancing. The last time I set foot on a dance floor Madona was in kindergarten."

This only seems to motivate us more as we give each other a look that read 'let's do this' and we play our song, winning the challenge in the process, which the mayor tries to deny. "Relieving an itch to the beat counts as dancing too," Alec stays on our side and the call ends, Alec addresses the three of us. "Congratulations you three, you'll return in one week for your next challenge. And now for our next contestant Simon Grimault!"

He introduces the next contestant as we head off the stage and Adrien congratulates us with a fist bump. "You guys were awesome!" Our attention turns to Alec and Simon. Simon was challenged to bring the famous fashion designer Gabriel Agreste to this studio but before he could even attempt his trick, Mr. Agreste shut him down with the notion  "Your show is pathetic and so is your contestant. Control me? Never."

Simon was kicked out of the studio shortly after only to come back a few minutes later as an akumatized victim "Simon says your lame. As lame as a duck!" He throws a card at Alec and when it touches him he starts acting like a duck. Adrien's bodyguard charges at Simon Says and he was hit with a card ordering him to stop before he was turned into a gorilla. 

The four of us run out of the way when he charges at us, I go to grab (y/n)'s hand but she runs th other way and I give a saddened look at her back but as long as she was safe that's all matters. Nino drags me into a hiding spot where Simon Says exposes his plan, he was going after Gabriel Agreste.

It wasn't long before Chat Noir and (s/n) come in to attack, catching Simon Says before letting him go to collect his cards, resulting in them facing Adrien's bodyguard. It wasn't long before Ladybug burst through the studio, though Simon Says had already left in search of Gabriel Agreste.

"Ladybug over here!" Nino calls to her and she runs up. "You guys ok?" "We're fine but our friends Andrien and (y/n) are still around here somewhere," I inform her and she tells us to follow her with the promise of finding them. We head out to the hall to find Chat Noir and (s/n) prepared to attack.

"Nice seeing you too Chat Noir." "Sorry. Thought you were Simon Says," He apologizes, putting away his staff. "He's gathering a whole army together," Nino pipes up and Chat tells the group "He's looking for Gabriel Agreste. We better get to them faster than we can," His ring beeps. "You're about to change back," (s/n) mutters staring down at his ring and LB says "We'll take one last look around for Nino and Luka's friends." "Forget it, they're probably hypnotized," Chat protests, earning protests from Nino and Luka. "But he's my best friend!" "No way, she could be in danger! I can't abandon her!"

Nino and I protest to the hero, I refuse to leave (y/n) here stuck until this whole ordeal is over! "You're right, you guys look around, I'll see if I can slow down Simon Says, meet ya there," (s/n) says, taking off into the building.

We start searching for Adrien and (y/n) and thankfully soon find them and I pull (y/n) into a tight hug, thankful she wasn't hypnotized. After a quick check-up on the two, we head straight to the Agreste mansion.

"Natalie where's my father? He's in danger!" Adrien quickly informs the secretary when all eyes land on Mr. Agreste who stood at the top of the staircase. "Good afternoon Ladybug." "Father you need to leave! The hypnotist Simon Says is after you!" Adrien exclaims, worry laced in his voice.

His father, on the other hand, scoffed at the notion. "And be dictated by a mad man? Certainly not." "But father he's dangerous!" "Go to your room, you've had enough excitement for today. Natalie make sure they stay there," The three of us are led to Adrien's room while Mr. Agreste talks with Ladybug.

"You sure your dad isn't a robot?" I ask in utter disbelief at this poor boy's father who didn't seem to care about the whole situation. "When it comes to my father I'm never sure of anything," Adrien sighs out before we gasp at how big his room was. "Dude! I've seen stadiums smaller than your room," Nino comments as Adrien heads straight for his bathroom. "Make yourself at home, I'mma take a shower." "Now?" The three of us ask in unison and he shrugs. "It's the model in me," He heads for the bathroom and (y/n) starts to leave the room telling Natalie it was an emergency, leading me to pace and bite my lip in worry.

"What are you still doing in there?" Natalie asks. "Um while I was in there the place started going into lockdown so I thought it would be better to hide in there until you guys came back," I hear (y/n) say as she, Natalie, and Ladybug finally come back into the room.

"So that's why you were gone for so long," I say before we're told what was going on, grabbing (y/n)'s hand, determined to keep her close this time. We head to the atrium and were met with a question. "Where is my son?" "He'll be here, he's with Ladybug," Nino explains, earning a hum from Mr. Agreste.

When Simon Says finally breaks in I hide behind some boxes with Nino and (y/n) until Ladybug and Chat Noir get back snd take us back to our homes where I start to relax a little, (y/n) would be safe back at her house. For the rest of the day, I watch the news as it covers how the three heroes saved the day yet again.

"Welcome back to everyone's number one game show The Challenge! Last week our cool group of musicians won the challenge so let's welcome them back again Nino, Luka, and (y/n)!" Alec introduces the three of us back onto the stage before explaining what the challenge would be. "So we've upped the challenge for your group. You're gonna have to get two celebrities dancing instead of one though this time you can choose your opponents," Ladybug and Chat Noir was chosen and when they got here and we won the challenge, Adrien offered to take us on a celebratory lunch.

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