The Mime: Part 6

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"Haha, yes! Remember he can only mime one thing at a time," Ladybug exclaims happily. "So he's cornered, good thinking M'lady," Chat compliments before using his stick to grab the hat which Ladybug was quick to grab the photo of Mylène and tear it up, soon starting the de-evilization process.

"We pound it as usual before our attention turns to the actors and producer who were apologizing when I see my glove flash, one minute left. "Whoops, gotta go, see ya!" I wave goodbye and take off. I didn't go far after spotting my friends who I catch up with after de-transforming. We had just sat down when I spot Luka and Marinette walking in and I wave them over. "Glad to see you weren't harmed," Luka tells me as he sits down. "Yeah, next we'll work on having an outing that isn't interrupted by Hawkmoth," I say and we laugh.

My attention turns to Marinette when she didn't respond to Alya and I roll my eyes to see her drooling at Adrien who was sitting next to her. After a few minutes, the show starts and I feel Luka grab my hand again, causing me to smile, he held it for the entire performance.

After the show, Luka, Marinette, Alya, and I were walking back home when Marinette spins stating "I don't know which I liked more the show or sitting next to my sweet Adrien." "Maybe you should give him a call and ask him out to a movie," Alya suggests and Mari stops in her tracks. "Speaking of calling, there's something I gotta tell you, Alya..." I smile as I realize where this was going, good to see she's learning her lessons even if it takes a long time.

After explaining what happens Alya laughs soon telling her it was alright because she predicted this would happen so she uploaded it to her blog first. "I'm so lucky to have a friend like you. Now that we're good, you probably don't care about the surprise I planned for you," This catches our attention. 

"Screw up or no screw up, you know I love surprises!" Alya is directed into the building in front of us before Mari tells Luka and I "This will take a while, why don't you two go home, I'll wait for Alya here," We nod and Luka takes me back home. Later that night I learned Marinette had set up an interview with Ladybug for Alya. Maybe I can convince her to get me ten minutes with Ladybug to talk about my problem.

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