Rogercop: Part 5

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"Sure thing. But I'll take the credit for that," He points to Rogercop's car which was smoking as it was forced to fly low, though we couldn't get back on the car. "There's no point in running after him anyway, he's way out of our reach now."

"Well if it's the mayor he wants..." I trail off before Ladybug finishes my thought. "He'll head right for the city hall." "Do I sense a plan?" Chat asks, earning him a Ladybug smirk. When we arrive on the scene Mayor Bourgeois was making an announcement on the television, Rogercop standing behind him.

"Paris now has a new superpower, his name is Rogercop. I hereby relinquish all authority to Rogercop, all citizens are to answer to him," He's shoved off-screen and the camera pans to Rogercop's face who declares us outlaws. "Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n) are now outlaws. They must be hunted down and taken into custody immediately," All the police forces surrounding City Hall glance at us before charging at us, and we dodge their grasps, making a quick getaway we didn't stay too far away for long but within that timespan, City Hall was a fortress, policemen where everywhere patrolling.

"So now we're the nation's most-wanted felons?" Chat asks and Ladybug stated, "But we haven't done anything." "Exactly! You can't accuse anyone without proof," I chime in crossing my arms as I think back to earlier and how Marinette and Chloé need to get that in their heads. "We should go defend ourselves in the court of law!" Chat exclaims, standing up and I point out "With Rogercop as the judge? Two words: Not happening." "How many times have we saved Paris?"

"We're still saving Paris." Ladybug mutters before she turns to us with an idea. Just as Chat and I were about to hop down to get the cops' attention I ask "You any good at skating?" "I'll whisker you away with my skills," He cracks a cat pun at me before getting the helicopter's attention and using his pole to slide down onto the road.

While I come down as well he does a little tap dance before flicking his hair stating "Something about Paris just makes you wanna dance." "You won't be dancing after I'm through with you, arrest them," Rogercop orders and I ask "I'm guessing then you won't be interested in ice skating either? ICE STORM!" I touch the ground and cover it in ice, the policemen slipping all over as they tried to catch us which we took to our advantage, leading to a dog pile of cops.

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