Luka Chapter Five

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I finish playing the song I was playing on my guitar and check the time on my phone, (y/n) should be getting out of school soon, which means I'd get to see her. She had asked me for help with a homework assignment she was struggling with. Putting my guitar up I start to get ready and head to our meeting point. "Bye Mom, I'm heading out for a bit!" I call out as I pass the kitchen where mom was starting to prep for dinner. "Alright Luka, just remember to be back by supper time."

I get to the meeting point and look around to see no sign of (y/n) so I sit down and wait. Some time passed and I check my phone to see no new messages so I sent her a text: Hey, where are you?

More time passes and no response, eventually I get up to leave and send a few worried texts to (y/n) asking if she was ok. I sigh in frustration when I reach home with still no word from (y/n). My worry only grew as the night went on. "Please be ok," I mutter before I go to bed.

I woke up the next morning to my phone pinging. It was (y/n)! I quickly read the text: Sorry the school locked down because of the akuma attack yesterday and my phone died so I couldn't text you but I'm ok.

I took a sigh of relief as I ran a hand through my hair as I texted her to see when she wanted to meet up. Nothing. I frown before checking the time, ah she's late for school. But as the day went on still nothing and another akuma attack, making me worry again. When it was all over I headed to the bakery to check on (y/n). "Sorry, sweetie but we haven't seen (y/n) since she left for school this morning."

The lady tells me and I frown again before giving her a smile. "Alright thank you Mrs, I'll check again tomorrow," I could barely sleep that night as (y/n) was on my mind and I wondered where she was and if she was ok. The next day I checked the bakery again and to my delight, she was there!

She turns to me with a bright smile and asks "What can I get you today?" "Hey (y/n)." "Luka! Hey, what's going on?" "I haven't heard from you in a while and I was getting worried," I admitted to her and she gave me a frown asking "I did? Did I not text you back?" I shake my head no and she checks her phone, soon apologizing. "I'm so sorry Luka I completely forgot with the entire akuma attack." "It's fine as long as everything is ok," I tell her when she says:

"If you're free now we can go to the cafe," I happily nod at the offer stating "I can help you with that assignment you needed help with too." We spent about an hour in the cafe doing the assignment. The whole time I couldn't help but smile at how adorable she was when she pouted in frustration while grimacing at the assignment.

Afterward, I walked her back to the bakery since it was dark. "Thanks for the help and again I'm sorry about worrying you," She apologizes again before she starts to head inside when I grab her hand and she turns around. I gently pull a hair string back behind her ear. "Just stay safe and maybe text me next time," I say with a smile before saying goodbye and head home. That night I felt reassured knowing that she was safe.

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