Ladybug & Chat Noir Origins (1): Part 5

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She then jumps towards him, I get it! If he's already holding Chat Noir, he's going to have to let go of whatever's in his fist! But she's also taking the suit which is connected to the hose...And if it were to fill up with water it would force him to let her go! That's brilliant! Just as I started to run over to the hose faucet she shouted my name. "Now! (y/n) the tap!" I was already turning the knob.

Wait a minute...How did she know my name? I know I haven't met her or at least whoever this persona of this person is- I facepalm. Of course! It has to be somebody who met me in their daily life form...Duh...But then who...? The superbug runs over to whatever was dropped and smashes it with her foot as we all watch a purple butterfly fly away, a purple mist covers Stoneheart making him disappear to reveal Ivan, hey! Marinette was right, it was him! I quickly turn off the hose before running over to them and I approach her, Chat Noir already taking his leave. She gave a confused look as if she was unsure what to do now that I had walked up, I looked at the crumpled up piece of paper in her hand, was that what that purple butterfly came out of?

Now that I think about it, where did that butterfly come from? Did it turn Ivan into Stoneheart? Because once it was freed from the paper, Ivan came back...What was its purpose? How did it do all that? I decided to ask the hero. "Is that what you had to destroy? What is it?" She blinks before turning her attention to the paper. "Oh! Right!" After she unwrapped it we saw what it was...A nasty note.

It read: You haven't even got the guts to tell Mylène you love her. Wuss! At the bottom were two stick figures, one depicting Kim laughing at the other: Ivan. "Poor Ivan..." I mumble and we both walk over to him as he explained. "Kim wrote it, he's always making fun of me..." "You know, you shouldn't get so bent out of shape about that. It's not easy to come out with feelings toward someone, you'll tell her when you're ready." I tell him, patting his shoulder before the bug chimes in.

"You know, your friend is right, there's no shame in telling someone you love them, Ivan," He gives her a confused look as he asks her: "Hey, how do you know my name, miss?" She flinches before gesturing towards me and stating "Uh...(y/n) said it just a minute ago," She gives a nervous smile as he turns to me and I nod in confirmation when we hear Alya speak up.

We turn to see her recording the whole thing. "Uncanny, amazing, spectacular! Are you gonna be protecting Paris from now on?! How did you get your powers? Did you get stung by a radioactive ladybug? Oh, I've got a ton of questions to ask you uh...Miss uh..." She shot, question after question, causing the hero to get up and start walking away, only to stop quickly and say:

"Uh...Ladybug. Call me Ladybug," She flies off with her yoyo. "So thanks to this amateur footage the Parisians now know the identities of their heroes," Nadja Chamack exclaims after showing Alya's footage on tv. "(y/n) dear would you mind helping with dinner?" Sabine asks and I get off the couch. "Sure thing Mrs. Dupian-Cheng," I started helping her cook while the news continued on.

"Marinette! Dinner time!" Sabine called and my roommate came downstairs as we all sat around the counter and watched the news. "I'm pleased to announce that we will be organizing a huge celebration in honor of our city's new protectors: Ladybug and Chat Noir," The mayor's voice rang out before more questions about Paris's two new superheroes came to mind.

The obvious being who were they? Where did they get their powers from? Could they have what grandma had told me? Could they be miraculous holders? And if so, do they know anything about the peacock miraculous?

As I dove deeper into my thoughts, they soon traveled back to that boy that I had bumped into earlier, who was he? I was too busy chasing Ladybug and Chat Noir to catch his name...I felt my cheeks flare up as I remembered him...Yep, even in memory, that boy was cute. Maybe I can look around for him and figure out who he is. Before I could think about it a new news report came on. "Oh my!" Sabine exclaims, getting my attention before it turns to the news. 

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