Dark Cupid: Part 5

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After a few minutes, I find Dark Cupid had cornered Chloé who was begging to be changed all because her hair was messed up? I roll my eyes at her as Dark Cupid states "I don't need to waste this arrow on you. Your heart is so dark and shriveled there's no room for love," I hold back a chuckle as he takes off and I begin to chase after him when I see Chat Noir tied to a lamppost, Ladybug hanging upside down in front of him about to kiss him. Really? That's when Dark Cupid starts lining up his shot and I shout "Ladybug look out!" She moves her head and the arrow barely misses her.

She takes cover behind a tree as he starts shooting at her before landing next to Chat and the two fist bump. "How you gonna fight both of us now Bug-eyes?" "With some help from a friend!" I call out, flinging by them hitting both of them with my knives connected together before taking cover behind a tree next to Ladybug.

"CATACLYSM!" We hear before Chat Noir starts to speak. "I've often wondered what would happen if I used my Cataclysm on someone," Ladybug uses this chance to call her Lucky Charm and a candy apple falls into her hands. "A candy apple? What are you supposed to do with that?" I ask as Ladybug looks around before telling me "Get ready and wait for my signal," I nod and call upon my ice storm, Ladybug skidding in front of the two. "I've got a Valentine's gift for you," The two charge at her and she starts spinning her yoyo to avoid being hit with arrows before having to duck Chat's claws.

Once safe she pulls on his tail and hops off his head, throwing the candy apple on Dark Cupid's face. "Looks like you've gotten yourself in a sticky situation," She says landing on the statue of the fountain while Dark Cupid struggles to throw the candy apple away.

Once he got rid of it he soon found his hand stuck to an arrow and the string of the bow. "Ladybug!" I shout as Chat Noir tackles her to the ground. "I'm fine just keep Dark Cupid in one spot!" I see Dark Cupid washing his hands in the water and I run over and freeze the water, keeping him stuck while Ladybug dealt with Chat. When I look back at the two my eyes widen to see them passionately kissing. Alright then...

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