Volpina: Part 6

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When we reach the top we see she's created another illusion of hundreds of Volpinas. "LUCKY CHARM!" A tin foil wrapper falls into Ladybug's hands and she smiles. "I've got an idea to take down Volpina." "With a tin foil wrapper?" Chat Noir asks only earning him a smirk. "Just trust me, get ready," He summons his cataclysm while I summon my ice storm and she uses the wrapper to blind the real Volpina giving me the chance to freeze her in place while Chat uses his cataclysm to take down the tower she was on and trap her.

"Trapped like a fox. Your days are over akuma," LB says victoriously as she grabs the necklace and slams it on the ground, shattering it. The three of us pound it when the whole de-akumatization process ends and Ladybug turns to Lila. "Lila I...Totally overreacted and never should've spoken to you like that. I'm sorry."

Ladybug apologizes for earlier only for Lila to shove her away after getting up and grabbing her necklace. "Forget it Ladybug, you were right. We'll never be friends," With that, she walks off, Chat Noir soon commenting "Ouch..." "There's one problem we still have to solve: Where's Adrien?!" Ladybug asks worriedly and I point out that the miraculous ladybugs probably returned him to his house.

"I should check to make sure," Just as she was about to take off Chat Noir stops her. "Don't worry about it, I'll go since you're about to change back," He points to her blinking earrings and she points to his blinking ring. "So are you. No arguing, I'll take care of it," And just like that, she was gone with Chat Noir shaking his head at her. "Ugh, that stubbornness it's so...So-" "Let me guess irresistible?" I tease Chat with crossed arms and a smirk and he nods before we go our separate ways.

Once back home, I sit on the upper roof connected to Marinette's and my room to talk to Flaake privately to ask questions about Adrien's book. "Alright Flaake, it's time to spill what was so important about that book?" "It's a very old book that holds the secrets to the miraculous, within its contents like strengths and weaknesses of each miraculous and recipes to power up your miraculous for certain scenarios. It's why this book is so sacred and dangerous in the wrong hands," My eyes widen at the revelation and I ask "So we can figure out Hawkmoth's strengths and weaknesses and our own and use that against him?!" Flaake nods, leading me to ask another question. "Does Ladybug know about this?" "Tikki, her kwamii should be relaying this information to her now. We know someone who's been looking for that book for a long time and he knows how to decipher the codes written in the book."

"This only getting more confusing Flaake who would know about the miraculous besides miraculous users?" "The Great Guardian of the miraculous. I've talked it over with Tikki and we both think it's time for you and her to meet him and each other," I give Flaake an unsure look as my mouth goes agape, soon recollecting the legend grandma had told me about the miraculous, it was all turning out to be true. Not only that I would finally be learning more about the miraculous and hopefully find clues to the whereabouts of the peacock miraculous and I would be meeting the girl behind the Ladybug mask and finally be able to ask her for help.

Flaake gives me directions to the guardian's place and I recognize it as the healer's place when Tikki was sick a few weeks ago. I enter the room to see the old guy who healed Tikki and a familiar black-haired girl sitting next to him with the sacred book. He was the guardian of the miraculous?! He looks at me with a smile. "Hello (s/n), welcome. Please meet Ladybug, Ladybug meet (s/n). Mine and Ladybug's eyes widen as we stare at each other in complete shock.

"Marinette?! You're Ladybug?!"

"(y/n)?! You're (s/n)?!"

Author: Woo! Finally done with season 1! Since this book has almost reached Wattpad's limit for each book as per usual I will have to make another book. I'm gonna see about shortening the episodes, don't worry still gonna be the format it is but hopefully, I can get an episode done in like four parts so I'm not making a book per season which honestly wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't lied about season 5 being the final season. *glares at the computer page declaring seasons 6 and 7 have been confirmed* *sighs and grumbles* Yay another two seasons of getting absolutely nowhere but circles cuz we all know there ain't gonna be character or plot development unless miraculously there's better writers for the show. (Yes I'm jabbing at the poor writing just like all miraculous fan fiction writers' writing were jabbed on Twitter Thomas ASTRUC said we don't know how to write because we're not professionals. Not our fault fans like our works better than your show dude)

 Oh well but now onto the best season that wasn't written by him and I refuse to get rid of Chloé's redemption arc and refuse to let at least Adrien and Marinette and of course, you and Luka, not get character development. I'll try and work on background characters if I find something to improve them on like Juleka with confidence, Mylène with bravery, and Sabrina not being a doormat to Chloé. If there are other characters you want character growth on let me know who and what and if you have ideas for reasons characters want to be heroes then please share cuz then we can care when the class turns into a hero. Also, I'm holding the Christmas special off until after The Collector since that episode happens right after this one then I'll do the Christmas special. Anyway, see ya in the next book!

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