The Evilustraitor: Part 5

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When we reach Chloé we find Ladybug already there waiting for us. "Well, well, look what the cat dragged in," Chat says with a smirk, earning him one of Ladybug's comments. "No cat dragged me anywhere Chat Noir, I flew in all on my own." "So what was this secret mission?" "If I told you it wouldn't be a secret," The two continue to converse before the Evilustrator cuts in. "In the comics, this is what's known as the final showdown. The thing is if you knew her, you wouldn't be breaking a sweat to save her skin. She's the real baddie!"

While true, not even she deserves to be at the mercy of someone under the influence of an akuma and Hawkmoth. "It's not true! Everybody adores me!" We hear her call out from the corner when suddenly wrestling gloves come flying toward us. "Look out!" I shout and I start to spin my weapons to prepare for the attack which sends me flying onto the balcony.

When I come back, Ladybug is facing razors when the Evillustrator changes his direction of the razor at Chloé. Chat's stick is flung through the middle of the razor, stopping it in its tracks. While he grabs his stick I throw my knives, hoping to hit his drawing pad or pen but he dodges, one knife going in the wall, the other breaking a light.

"Chat Noir! He can't draw in the dark!" Ladybug shouts and Chat activities his cataclysm, aiming it at the light switch but the Evilustraitor was faster and erased the light switch, causing Chat to break the wall instead. "Here you go kitty. A little ball and chain for you to play with. Sadly those who get in my way get erased," He starts erasing the floor after putting a ball and chain on Chat Noir's ankle, leaving him dangling off the edge, his ringing beeping.

We couldn't reach him due to the floor disappearing. "Before you go, you have something I want." "Ladybug, this cat doesn't have nine lives!" She uses her power and she's given a bouncy ball, earning the mockery of the Evilustrator.

"Just try ad stop me with that little lady," She looks around before telling me. "Distract him!" I nod and activate my power and make snow surround him as it blew into his face, Ladybug throwing the bouncy ball as it shatters all the lights in the room when she throws her yoyo which yanks the Evilustrator to the ground, causing his pen to go flying and she catches it only to break it with Chat shouting "Hurry!" "No more evil-doing for you little akuma!" She responds and quickly de-evilizes the butterfly.

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