Horrificator: Part 6

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"I am so amped!" Nino shouts and we give him a look as Chat Noir tells him "Turn your amp down to about a four will ya?" "My bad," He says rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. With that, we run down into the basement to find a bunch of pink sacks filling the basement and Ladybug shouts "Anybody in here?!"

"Ladybug! It's me, Chloé Bourgeois!" We hear Chloé shout and she shouts back "Don't worry, we'll get you out of there!" "Well hurry it up already!" "Is everyone here?!" I shout and we do a headcount soon hearing everyone's voice, except mine, Marinette's, and Adrien's. "Adrien? Adrien?!" Ladybug shouts when we finally hear "Yeah, yeah! I'm fine!" Ladybug sighs in relief. "What about Marinette?" "Yeah, she's fine!" That's when Luka starts shouting for me. "(y/n)? (y/n)! Where are you?!" Hiding behind a sack I shout "I'm over here! Just don't come any closer that creature never strays too far!" "Just everyone calm down we'll find a way to get you all out of there!"

Ladybug shouts when goo is shot at us and the creature hops down. "Ok, now this is getting scary..." Ladybug mumbles when a sack hits the creature in the face and we all turn to see it was Chat Noir who threw it. It starts to chase after him while Ladybug uses her lucky charm. Guitar strings fall into her hands and she starts to think. Throwing her yoyo she drags a cart overfilled with buckets, brooms, trash cans, brushes, and cones.

"CATACLYSM!" We hear and watch Chat trap the creature with some bars. It prepares to break them with its goo when I activate my power and freeze its mouth shut when Ladybug hands me a broom with guitar strings attached to it.

"Okay, we're all going to sing," Ladybug instructs us as Chat hops down asking "Sing? So that's your plan." "The only way to get through this is to get your fear under control. You all know Smelly Wolf don't you?" Ladybug explains and Chat teaser her. "Seriously? Smelly Wolf?" She gestures to a drum kit of the stuff from the cart asking "Care to join us?" With that, we start singing Smelly Wolf, using all the stuff as instruments and the creature shrinks down before running into Ivan's arms.

"That's the same button I gave Mylène," Ivan points out looking at the familiar pin and I grab it and crush it and watch as Ladybug de-evilizes the akuma. The miraculous ladybugs do their job, freeing everyone and cleaning up the school. We pound it when we notice Nino filming again and sigh. Before Ivan and Mylène kiss.

"We didn't make the cut! He said the monster was a horrible replica. Completely unbelievable. No joke!" Nino tells us after coming out of city hall and Adrien reassures him. "Don't worry bud. This is how all good movie directors start out." "Yeah. Even if that final kiss wasn't quite what we thought it would be," Alya says, nodding her head.

Author: No chapter tomorrow, I'll be celebrating Christmas with my family. Happy holidays everyone!

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