Timebreaker: Part 6

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Ladybug uses this chance to connect the wire to the two, keeping them stuck together. We then watch as they rollerblade up a ramp, causing them to fly up into the air and both Ladybugs throw their yoyos at the two, pulling them down while pulling a blade of each and snapping them in half.

"No more evil-doing for you little akuma, time to de-evilize! Gotcha! Bye-bye little butterfly," Both catch the two akumas, and the first dot on my glove flashes. They toss their items in the air as well as the magical ladybugs fix everything. "Miraculous Ladybug!"

Chat and I approach Ladybug who was finishing up talking to Alix. "I was just getting used to having two Ladybugs around," Chat jokes, and Ladybug bops him on the nose. "Well, now you gotta get used to no Ladybugs around. Gotta split before I change back." "Just promise during patrol you'll explain what happened," I say sarcastically knowing full well the magic ladybugs had fixed our memories so we knew the whole situation.

She laughs before taking off and Chat Noir groans soon stating "She'll fall for me someday, it's just a matter of time." "If you say so, but I'll believe it when I see it," I tease him before taking off as well.

Marinette and I were in the shop in case any customers came in when we hear the bell jingle. We both look up from what we were doing to see it was Mari's parents. "Hey! So? Did you have a nice anniversary?" Mari asks and her dad nods stating "We did, all though, it was a close call." "Oh yeah! Ms. Chamack, I'm so sorry that I kept her waiting." "And I'm sorry that I forgot to keep track of the time," I add in and the two give us a smile.

"Next time please wait for the customer in the bakery and not in your room listening to your loud music." "Got it, I promise we won't screw up next time," We both vow in unison. "Good because your Mom is right, there's only one Marinette and one (y/n). And we're counting on them," We run up for a group hug.

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