Stormy Weather: Part 7

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Author: Do to me not keeping track of my parts of this episode this will be the only episode with 7 parts because I'm too lazy to transfer the contents of one chapter onto another.

"Well (s/n) it's an honor to meet you," Chat says, bending down on his knee to kiss my hand. I give Ladybug a confused look and she rolls her eyes, pulling him up when her earrings start to flash.

"Oops, gotta check, see you next time! Bug out!" Ladybug says before flying off with her yoyo. "Wait! Ladybug I need to-" She was already gone, though I can't blame her for leaving quickly. "Whatever you need Ladybug for you'll have to do it next time," Chat tells me with a wink before he uses his stick to leave.

I look down at my hands, well I might not have gotten to talk with her about my miraculous, I have one, and I am helping them now...I notice the circles on my fingers and the snowflake in the middle flash. Right! I only have five minutes! Connecting my knives together, I use them to make my way back to the park and de-transform.

I watch as Flaake flies out of my gloves as she asks "Well? How'd it go?" "It was amazing Flaake! I actually helped Ladybug and Chat Noir! And now I actually have a chance to talk to Ladybug about getting the peacock miraculous! I would've never been able to do any of that without you Flaake, thank you," I exclaim, bringing her into my hands and lightly hugging her. "Do you have any food by chance?" She asks and I shake my head no.

"Not on me, why? You hungry?" "Yes, you see once you've used your power, I need to eat before you can transform again." "Oh, okay, well what do you eat?" "Kwamiis can eat any kind of food but I like anything cold." "Good to know, we'll go back home after I make sure my friends are ok and then we can get you some food," I tell her, and she nods. I put her in the pocket of my backpack/ into my purse and ran into the park where the merry-go-round was.

I ran over to see Marinette hugging Manon, Alya standing off to the side. "You guys are ok!" I exclaim as I walk up with a smile. Alya nods when Manon tells Mari "I know what your secret is!" "W-what secret?" Marinette asks, fumbling with her words. "Ladybug is your best friend! That's how you both always know what the other one is gonna do!" Mari lets out a relieved chuckle before the two hug again. "Hey! Looks like Adrien's photoshoot is still going," Alya points out and we head over to the fountain, Manon asking "Can I have a lollipop? Can I? Can I? Can I?" "No Manon, I have something important to do, Alya you'll watch her yeah?"

Alya nods as Marinette runs over to the photographer. "I'm ready for the photoshoot!" "Wait! Who is that...Angel?!" He points at Manon and demands she poses with Adrien. Marinette lets out a sigh and Alya and I give her a hug before I start to leave. "Where are you going?" "Home, I'm hungry after today's events," I say with a wave as I start to head home.

Just as I pulled out my headphones, a door to one of the buildings opened, and out steps Luka. "Luka, hey!" I say, earning his attention. "(y/n)? What are you doing here?" He asks me, and I point to the park. "I was at the park hanging out with my friends."

"Then why aren't you with them right now?" "I got hungry so I'm heading home to eat," I explained, placing my hand over my stomach. "I know this café that's nearby that we could go to," He offers and I nod as we walk to the place, talking about the events of the day.

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