Timebreaker: Part 1

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"Well? With or without?" Sabine asks Marinette and I. She had put a pretty pink flower in her hair and I point at Marinette stating "I like it but you'll have to ask the fashion designer of the house." "Uh...With?" Mari answers a bit nervously, giving a sheepish smile and Sabine goes back to re-adjusting the flower asking "You're sure it's not better without?"

"Either way you look, perfect Mom," Marinette reassures her mom who clasps her daughter's hands telling her "You know it's not every day you celebrate your twentieth wedding anniversary," Before either of us could respond we hear Tom call down from the bakery. "Marinette! (y/n)! Could you come here a minute please?!" We rush downstairs to see what he needs.

"Well?" He asks and we both give him a look over before we ask in unison "Well what?' He points at his mustache. "My mustache! I groomed it. Is it too short? Should I shave the whole thing off? Maybe it's a little crooked on one side-"

"You look perfect Dad uh except for one thing," Mari cuts him off and he gives us a confused look so we both point at his apron. "Thanks, sweetheart, (y/n)!" He rushes off to change. "No problem Dad!" "You're welcome!" After a few minutes, Marinette and I had to push her parents out of the bakery telling them "You're going to be late." "Now don't forget Ms. Chamack will come to pick up the Eiffel Tower cake in thirty minutes, I'm depending on you two."

Tom reminds us and we wave it off telling them "Yeah, yeah piece of cake." "Don't worry, I have a timer set on my phone, you two go celebrate now!" After watching them leave Mari's comments "Wow, married twenty years, how cool." "Well time magically flies when you're having fun," I respond as Mari grabs her math book saying "And stands still when you're doing math homework." (It also causes my mental breakdowns)

I glare at the math formula sitting in front of me and I find myself wishing that Luka were here to help me with my homework again. "Come on (y/n) I know you can do it, just remember the formula," Flaake encourages me, holding back her teasing. I had learned pretty quickly after the last few akuma attacks she liked to tease me when we weren't talking about something serious.

Marinette had gone down to get us some juice so she had come out. "I might be able to do it if you weren't distracting me so much with your encouraging words," I tease her and she instantly catches on, giving me a smirk stating "I mean if you'd prefer I could steal your homework and prevent you from doing it."

Before I could respond Marinette came back up and Flaake quickly hid. Just as she placed the glasses down her phone started to ring, it was Alya. "Hey, Alya, what's up? The what? The bet between Alix and Kim? No of course I didn't forget, I already made the banner," I hear Marinette say as the realization dawned on me that we had totally forgotten about the bet.

"I know everyone's counting on me. In five minutes?! No sweat, I'm on my way there already. Be right there," She lies through her teeth as she ends the phone call and I point out "Ms. Chamack will be here soon for the cake and she's expecting you to give it to her." "Gah! How much time until she gets here?" "Twenty minutes," I responded after checking my phone.

"Well then I better go now, I told them I'd bring the banner and they're all counting on me besides Adrien will be there too~" She rushes out of her room before I point out she would never make it and that I could take the banner there for her.

With a sigh, I start to head down and start heading to the Trocad oé When I get there I was a little shocked to see Mari was already there, Alix and Kim were just getting into position for the race when I see another familiar face.

"Hey (y/n)," Luka waves at me as I stand next to him. "Hey, Luka." "So what's this bet I've been told about?" He asks as I stand next to him. "Kim always makes all of us do these stupid dares and he said the only way he'd stop is if someone beat him in a race. Alix here was kind enough to take on that challenge," I explain before our attention turns to Max.

"On your marks...Get set-" "Hold up!" Alix stops Max, causing Kim to faceplant."For Fhitting already?Alix hands Alya a watch. "Hold onto this for me will ya Alya? I don't wanna drop it during the race." "Hold on girl, I can't I gotta-" "Guard it with your life, it's a family heirloom!" Alya tries to give it back before being cut off.

"Marinette take this, I gotta record this for my blog," Alya exclaims passing the trinket to Marinette before she started recording. But she's holding the banner, that isn't a good idea... "On your marks, get set, go!"

Author: I apologize for the lateness of this chapter

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