Animan: Part 4

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"Then how did he get away?" She asks and Chat shrugs stating "I don't know but we better find Kim- I mean that boy before he does," With a quick test of her yoyo first, we take off into the city searching for Kim. Only to find him being cornered by Animan once again on a bridge and we rush over to help.

LB once again threw her yoyo at the panther, catching his hind leg, preventing another pounce on Kim. "You're not getting away this time!" I land in between the two as a blockade as Chat Noir helps Kim up and directs him toward town with the instructions to hide in the first building he comes across. "You'll never get me!" Animan growls, a magenta mist covering his body as the panther disappears and in its place, an eagle who took to the skies as Ladybug's yoyo fell to the ground.

"Now we know how he got away earlier," Chat says as we watch him take off, Ladybug soon asking "Where's Kim?" Chat pulls out his stick as a screen appears showing a paw print on a map, he had put a tracker on Kim. Smart thinking. "Good job Kitty," Ladybug compliments, lightly scratching him under his chin before we take off to Kim's location. Are we sure they're not a couple?

We track Kim all the way back to the bakery and we land on the roof. "He's safe inside this building. Panthers can't open doors so he can't get in," Chat informs us and I shake my head pointing out "Not until he morphs into something that can like a mouse or an insect." "Right. But we do have an advantage over him: We know exactly where to find his prey." "Animan will sniff him out sooner or later but it's bought us a bit of time to plan our next move," It wasn't much longer before we entered the bakery, catching Mrs. and Mr. Dupain-Cheng's attention.

"Hi Mo-ma'am," Ladybug says soon panicking before breathing a sigh of relief when Sabine called her by her hero name. "Why you're...You're Ladybug!" "Yeah, exactly," After explaining the situation we take Kim upstairs and turn on the news which reported that all the animals from the zoo were invading Paris. "You'll be safe here. Can I borrow this?" Ladybug asks Kim, pointing at his wristband and he hands it over. "Come on you guys. Make sure you lock all the doors and windows, we'll take care of the rest, thanks Da-Sir for all your help." "You're welcome Ladybug."

We head downstairs to set up the trap, leaving the wristband on a post. Chat and I stare at the windows, keeping an eye out for Animan but as far as we could see it was just the animals roaming about freely when we feel and hear Ladybug spray us with something.

"Woah, what's that stuff?" Chat asks, waving it out of his face and she explains. "Air freshener. It'll cover up our sense so he can't smell us." "Thanks. I've always wanted to smell like...Ocean Summer Breeze?" Chat comments, getting a whiff of the scent before grabbing a small box asking "Couldn't we capture him in something like this?" "Only until he transforms into something bigger," LB points out and I speak up, pointing at a bus outside. "But it could hold him long enough to put him inside a bigger cage...Say like a bus?" Ladybug looks outside and nods when Chat tugs to the grounds whispering "He's coming!" Now we play the waiting game.

Author: Within a couple of days there may not be chapters for a while because of reasons dealing with covid

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