Simon Says: Part 2

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"Looks like Mr. Agreste just turned down your challenge. Game over!" "But that's not fair I didn't even get time to-" Simon starts to protest before being dragged off of the set. Ouch, but he was right it wasn't really fair. A few minutes late a man in a bright purple and green suit with a matching top hat bursts through the doors. "Simon says the show is not over!"

"What on Earth?!" Alec questions, staring at the peculiar man. "Silence! Simon says your lame. As lame as a duck!" He throws a card at Alec and when it touches him he starts acting like a duck. Adrien's bodyguard charges at Simon Says and he was hit with a card ordering him to stop before he was turned into a gorilla. The four of us run out of the way when he charges at us, Luka tried grabbing my hand but I quickly run in the opposite direction, sorry Luka as much as I appreciate it you don't need to protect me and I've got work to do. I hide in a closet and transform.

"Gabriel Agreste turned down my challenge and he will pay for it. By midnight tonight, he will entertain us in this very TV studio. Gabriel! I'm coming to get you!" Simon Says proclaims on TV and I growl, angry another poor soul was taken hostage by an akuma. When I burst into the room I find Chat Noir already had Simon Says pinned to the ground and I rush up. "Chat Noir says zip it and hand over those cards."

Simon Says throws the cards to the side causing the two of us to panic slightly and the both of us rush to pick up the cards, unaware Simon Says had kept one. "My gorilla will take care of you. Simon says knock them out!" We're knocked out of the studio by Adrien's bodyguard, Chat quickly turning to a joke.

"I may not always land on my feet but I always bounce back," I drag him out of the way from being punched as the bodyguard smashes through the wall. Pulling out his staff, Chat goes to hit him with it but the bodyguard grabs it, tossing it to the side. I go o give a flying kick when he grabs hold of me. "Little help here!" Chat tries to come to my rescue but ends up being grabbed as well.

We were quickly slammed into the wall. "I'm starting to regret quitting karate..." Chat grumbles out when we hear the elevator doors open to reveal a woman who shrieks when she sees us. "Oh hey Ladybug, you got here just in time," I lie, and this gorilla of a man looks giving us the chance to kick him away.

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