The Evilustraitor: Part 4

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"I actually draw a little too. I'm not as good as you are of course." "I'm sure you're a wonderful artist." "Well can I draw you something special for your birthday?" She asks, giving us a sign with her hand to stay back for now by placing it over the bench.

She grabs hold of the pen. "That would be amazing," He says before glancing back and we quickly move back not to be seen. "Marinette, give me my pencil back, I need to draw something now." "No, I'm keeping it. Chat Noir, (s/n), now!" She grabs the pen and runs to the end of the boat. Chat lets his stick extend to block the Evillustrator and I jump in front of Marinette holding my knives in a defensive position.

"Marinette? You're working with them?! I'm so stupid, I actually thought you liked me. But you're really just like Chloé, teasing me, mocking me, leading me on!" She stomps her foot as she huffs out "Come on seriously? Why is everybody comparing me to Chloé tonight?!"

The Evillustrator kicks Chat's stick and it flings toward my face, causing me to bump into Marinette and she drops the pen. He quickly grabs it and hops onto his makeshift moon. Chat Noir and I jump up to take him down when he draws a box that traps all three of us. "And I'm taking back my promise! Chloé's gonna get a lesson that she'll never forget!" He erases a part of the boat causing it to start sinking as he leaves.

"We've been pinned in. Literally!" Chat exclaims, poking the cube with his stick. I sigh and before I can tell him what to do Marinette directs him and I do the same with my kunai knives after connecting the hilts. "Now extend it," I finish her thought and Chat pulls Mari close by the hips. "Yeah I'm a genius," She drolls as she takes his hand off her and I let out an audible "Ahem!" To remind him of what we need to be doing.

We extended our weapons, the cube quickly lifting as we rose up and tilted one way, soon landing safely on the ground. "Gotta go, a superhero's work is never done. Damsels in distress, Ladies in waiting, I've got a lot more saving to do, you can thank me later," He starts flirting with Mari before I forcibly drag him away going "That's enough outta you!"

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