Stormy Weather: Part 6

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"Who are you?" She asks and I quickly answer "A friend, you can ask questions after this is all over so do your thing. Chat Noir and I got you but I don't know for how long." "The Polar Bear is right M'lady so what's the plan to get the akuma back?

 My arms are starting to get a cramp!" Ladybug starts to look around before pointing at the sign as she tells Chat "See that sign over there? Chip it out." "Alright," He raises his arm and shouts "CATACLYSM!" His right hand had a glowing black ball as he addressed Stormy Weather.

"Hey, Coldie Locks is that all you got?" He ran forward, dodging any lighting bolts that were shot at him as he made his way to the sign and slid on it as he pressed with the glowing hand and we watched as the sign started to rust.

The sign starts to bend back and Ladybug throws her yoyo, wrapping it around Stormy Weather's ankle as she shoots a hole through the sign and flies through. Ladybug maneuvers her way through pipes and hops over an air duct, using the towel to throw her up into the air and the yoyo starts to pull Stormy down. I noticed her going to remove the yoyo from her ankle as she fell.

"Not on my watch. Ice Storm!" I shout as a white mist covered my hands. I point my hands at her as ice shards start shooting at her, forcing her to turn her attention to me and cover her face as she let out a scream as her parasol was knocked out of her hand.

Chat Noir grabs the parasol and throws it to Ladybug who snaps it in half with her leg. "Get out of here you nasty bug," A purple butterfly flies out and Ladybug opens her yoyo, using it to catch the butterfly and de-evilize it. "No more evil-doing for you little akuma. Time to de-evilize! Gotcha!" She opens her yoyo as a white butterfly comes out. "Bye, bye little butterfly."

She then tosses the towel into the air shouting "Miraculous ladybug!" The ladybugs swarm the town, fixing any damage done to the city.

We watch Stormy Weather fall onto her hands and knees before a dark purple-colored mist surrounds her. Once it disappeared, Aurora sits back up, confused about where she was and what happened.

"Pound it!" Ladybug and Chat Noir say, giving each other a fist bump before looking at me expectantly. Realizing they wanted me to join in on the fist bump I smile and fist bump them as well. "Thank you for your help, Miss...?" Ladybug starts to question and I tell her "(s/n), call me (s/n)." [ (s/n)" Superhero name]

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