The Puppeteer: Part 2

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"She can if she wants. I told her she could borrow it," Mari tries to reassure Nadja who gives her a smile. "And that's sweet of you Marinette but Manon already has so many toys at home I wouldn't even know where to put it," Nadja grabs the doll again, causing Manon to tug on it and one of the ars rips off.

"Look what you've done Manon. Give it to me. I'm sorry Marinette," She apologizes handing over the broken doll and once again Marinette reassures her. "Oh, it's nothing. I can sew it up again, it's no problem really," Nadja lets out a sigh of relief before grabbing Manon's hand. "Oh thank goodness, com on Manon, we're leaving. Say goodbye," Manon rips her hand away shouting in her mom's face "I. Want. That DOLL!"

"No. You can play with it here next time you come. Come on Manon, be a good girl and say goodbye," She cries into her mom's shoulder before letting out a weak goodbye. After they leave Marinette was quick to grab her sewing box. But before she could get started we hear footsteps as Manon comes back up and I ask "Manon? What are you-" "I left my bag here," She explains, grabbing her back and putting all her toys in it before eyeing the Ladybug doll in Marinette's hand. "Can I have Ladybug?" "You heard what your mom said," Marinette tells her which Manon was quick to offer a solution.

"She won't know if I hide it!" "I have to sew her up..." Cue the baby doll eyes. "Oh please! Not the baby doll eyes!" Marinette begs as she looks to me for help and I shake my head at her as a hint to say no. "Ok you can borrow Lady Wifi," She hands the doll over and I facepalm, the baby doll eyes have a stronghold on Marinette. "Hurry up Manon! We have to stop by the station!" Nadja calls up and Manon waves goodbye.

Once Marinette finished fixing up the Ladybug doll we meet up with Alya and rush to the subway, where Marinette pulls out her phone to tell us what the showings were. "The movie starts in 30 minutes or we could buy your book first and then go to the next showing," She tells us as she continues to scroll on her phone.

"Either way girl...Marinette! Nine o'clock!" She says and I look to the side to see Adrien...Without his bodyguard, now that was a rare sight. "No, there's no nine o'clock showing-" "Not that nine o'clock, this nine o'clock," Alya says, directing Marinette's line of vision and she instantly starts to blush when Alya drags us onto the train he got on before it left. We were in the opposite car of Adrien but you could see him through the windows and Mari squeals out "I wonder what station he's getting off at? Maybe he's going to the same movie! Oh, how cool would that be? But wait! But then he might think that we're following him like stalkers. Me a stalker? Ha! Although I would follow him I mean of course I wouldn't really stalk him- oh who am I kidding?"

She goes off on a ramble, causing Alya to laugh while I stare at her with concern, was that a confession of what will happen if she continues to obsess over Adrien like this? It seems like as time goes by I grow worried about how far she'll go for her crush and I sheepishly mutter "Well I had invited him to the movie but he told me he wasn't sure if he could come," She stares at me in shock before shaking me by the shoulders asking "You. Did. What?! Does that mean he's going to the same movie as us?" Marinette starts going off on another ramble on how it's too soon to be going on a date with Adrien.

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