Stormy Weather: Part 3

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"But what about Manon?" Marinette asks and Alya wags her finger before waving Marinette off before getting on the unicorn stating "You take care of Prince Charming and I'll take care of Miss. Unicorn here, you don't know how to control her anyway," Manon crosses her arms saying "No way! Marinette's my babysitter." "Trust me. Unicorns unite! Let's go to Rispa and find us some sad little village kids and grant those wishes! Yee-haw!" "Yee-haw!"

I clasp Mari's shoulder and tell her "Don't worry, Alya's got it handled and if anything happens I'll come get you right away or we'll come running," She gives me a smile and a nod and starts to run off when there was a sudden scream stopping her in her tracks.

We all looked up into the sky to see a girl floating, she had dark and light purple hair, spun together into tornado drills, a black mask covering her eyes that looked slightly like a butterfly designed by lighting. A dark purple and light purple dress, that looked almost like a cloud, a lightning bolt in the middle, purple tights, with white sleeved gloves and boots both ending with a lightning bolt design and a black and dark purple parasol.

Don't tell me she's akumatized! She swings her parasol causing the wind to blow everyone in the area away as an ice dome surrounded the merry-go-round. Alya! Manon! I ran over to the dome to see they were safe for now, I started banging on the ice but it wouldn't even crack.

Lighting bolts were shot everywhere by the akumatized victim when Ladybug landed next to me. "Stand back," She instructs and I take a few steps back as she shouts "I'll get you out of there!" She throws her yoyo at the dome saying "Let's wire cut this icy cake," She tugs, and her yoyo slips off the ice, landing on her head. "Or not, onto plan B," She mutters before we both run up to the ice and she tells the two "Don't worry, everything's gonna be ok." "Where's Marinette?" Manon asks and I look around to see she was nowhere in sight, good question.

"She hasn't forgotten about you Manon," Ladybug stated, getting down on Manon's level. Wait...How did she know Manon's name? Manon voices that question. "Uh...Marinette told me, she's coming right back ok?" "But then where is that girl?" I ask and she turns to me stating "I told her to uh...Hide somewhere safe, something I advise you do too," She goes to fly off as I shout "Ladybug wait! I-" She stops and reassuringly puts her hand on my shoulder.

"It's ok, I'll get your friend out of there," She then flies off as I mumble "Need to talk to you..." My attention turns to Alya and Manon as I tell them before running off "I'm gonna go get help," I call the fire department and the police and inform them what happened at the park before searching for Ladybug and Chat Noir.

I reach the end of the gate of the park and stop just in time to see the akumatized victim open her parasol and a gust of wind blows, flinging Chat Noir across the city before she flies off.

I groan at the idea of running around Paris all day again. Halfway through my run, I see purple lighting shoot into the sky as dark clouds soon appear. Recognizing the area where the lighting was shot I started to run in that direction.

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