Gamer: Part 6

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Growling a bit, LB sends out Lady helix and the shoulder plates shoot at Gamer who spins his arms so fast that the course of the helices changes on contact. We then launch the fists at Gamer who reforms his robot to dodge the attack so we try Ear thunder which is met with more lighting to counter.

"He's anticipating all of our attacks," Ladybug comments when I see Gamer charging at us and I warn her. Quickly she managed a dodge and landed a kick and a punch before we were hit with a kick and punch. We kicked him again, resulting in being pushed back when an electric blast was shot at us but it was moving really slowly, distracting us long enough for Gamer to snake behind us and kick us into the blast and he zaps us.

With a laugh, he tells us "Today I will be victorious!" We summon a kadochin before we tackle him and slam him into the ground. "I am the strongest player in the world!" Gamer shouts as he frees himself and I ask "How are we supposed to beat him?" "Good question, we can't even catch him," Chat adds in and Ladybug responds with "We have to beat him harder and jam the system," So we start fighting him harder, resulting in him fighting harder as well which lead to a power struggle and Ladybug suddenly says "We gotta get in his cockpit." "Go for it, I can take the controls," I state and she nods, hopping out as I take her place.

For a minute we don't see her before she hops down on the arms and runs to Gamer's window and covers it with the spray paint before hiding above it. This coaxes Gamer into coming out, falling for LB's trap as she snatches the glasses and snaps them, ending the game for Gamer and the akuma.

With everything fixed we pound it and take off. We were all at the stadium for the tournament, even Max had shown up when Marinette told Alya and me she was forfeiting her spot and giving it to Max. "You bent over backward to get on the team and now you wanna pull out?" "It's just that I feel so bad for Max, this is his dream and I took it away without thinking. It wouldn't be right," She gets up and I grab her shoulder stating with a smile "You're doing the right thing." "But she doesn't get the chance to play with Adrien every day," Alya argues and I point out "Yes she does, she just has to be brave enough to ask him."

Marinette walks over to Max and after talking for a few minutes we see her hand over the controller when our high school was called. "Dudes, make up your mind, they're waiting for you," Nino cuts in and Marinette insists. "I don't know how to thank you." "By winning the tournament with her," Adrien responds, plopping his controller in her hand. "Go on Marinette, you're a hundred times better than me and you belong on the team. Win the tournament for the school. I know you can do it." "Go on dudes, they're waiting for you," Nino again rushes and I give them a light push toward the tournament while cheering the on and we ended up winning the tournament. During the party, Kim sheepishly walked up to me rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey (y/n) I'm sorry about ditching you earlier that was uncool," I give him a reassuring smile as I joke "Well I can't blame you if my breath was that bad," We laugh it off before giving the computer chip as a celebratory present, I think it's best to say there wasn't a single frown from the students at our school that night.

Author: Thank you to Sakura on Quotev for the idea of Kim and (y/n) joking about him ditching you.

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