Stormy Weather: Part 2

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 "Come on, we're gonna stroll over there real cool as if we just happened to be passing by." Marinette tells us and Alya asks "Then what?" "Then...I'll invite him out for a fruit smoothie at the end of the photoshoot! Then we'll get married and live happily ever after in a pink beautiful house, have two kids- no three and a dog! Maybe a cat, nah forget the cat, a hamster! I love hamsters!" Marinette continues to fantasize about her future with Adrien while the rest of us stare at her. I just hope if I ever fall in love I don't act like that.

"Let's just start with happen to be passing by and see if we can get to that smoothie," Alya suggests and Mari rubs the back of her head in embarrassment. We walked behind the fountain, Marinette doing that weird long step and shoulders and arms up walking while the rest of us walked normally. After reading Luka's text, I slightly look up to see we hadn't been noticed and I stop, typing my reply as I say "We couldn't be more invisible." "Okay, let's start over," Suddenly I feel myself being pushed and I look up when we spot Adrien staring at us before giving us a wave.

He didn't wave long due to the photographer demanding his attention and we waved back as Marinette asked "Did you see that?! He waved at me!" "Yeah, we saw it too, pretty normal since we're in the same class," Alya tells her before I force Marinette to stop waving.

We stand off to the side and watch the photoshoot, I slightly sigh under my breath, this wasn't the funnest thing in the world watching him pose and Alya forcing Marinette to stop gaping at him.

Even Manon was sitting down bored when I pulled out my phone and text Luka: Got time to call? A minute later he responded: A few. I quickly hit the call button and walked a few steps away.

"Hello?" "Hey, Luka." "What's going on?" "Nothing much, me and my friends are waiting at the park for another friend to be done with an activity, what's going on with you?" "I'm heading to my guitar class this afternoon," Before I could respond I heard Manon shout "MARINETTE!" Quickly I say "One moment," I place my hand over the speaker and turn around to see what was going on.

Manon had attracted the attention of the photographer and Adrien's bodyguard as they walked over, demanding silence. "Come on small fry! I'll get you that balloon," Alya offers but Manon sticks to Marinette like glue.

"No! I wanna go with Marinette!" "I'll deal with it, I am her babysitter," She walks off with Manon to get the balloon. "I'm back sorry, there was a little commotion." "Oh? What about?" "My friend Marinette is babysitting as you know and Manon was making a ruckus to get a Mireille-themed balloon from that Kidz+ program," I hear a chuckle on the other and smile.

Luka and I chat for a few minutes before he had to hang up for his guitar lesson, saying goodbye. I pocket my phone and sat down with Alya as we talked and ate apples when the photographer got our attention. "No, no! The boy has eaten too much spaghetti! Ugh, we need more energy, more romance, we need...A girl!"

He turns toward us and points at Alya. "You! I need an extra!" She gives me a confused look and I return it. "Who me?" "Si, to pose with Mr. Adrien," Alya looks at the apple and an idea comes.

"You don't want me I uh...I think I'm having an allergic reaction to this apple," She sticks out her tongue, and the photographer points at me. "Then you shall pose with monsieur Adrien," My eyes widened and I shook my hands no.

"No! I'm...Camera shy plus I really should get her to the hospital but we know just the person, hold that thought," I tell him and we run off to find Marinette.

We find Marinette at the merry-go-round, placing Manon on a unicorn and Alya pants out "They need an extra to pose with Adrien!" "What?! Seriously?!" Marinette asks excitedly when Manon asks "Is that boy your boyfriend?" Mari's eyes widen at the question. "What?! No...Uh...I mean...Yes...No!" She answers in a fluster. "Go on! What are you waiting for?!" 

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