Pixelator: Part 4

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"I can't stay here, I'm performing tonight!" Jagged protests after hearing our request for him to hide out in the school. "Don't worry, you'll get to do your gig. You'' even get to wear some awesome shades," Ladybug reassures him only to earn a confused look from me and him. How did she see the shades? 

They were with Penny, the only other person who I can think of that saw them was Marinette...I glanced at Ladybug wondering could she be Marinette? They do have similarities like the black hair, and bluebell eyes...But there is the magic to consider too it makes us look unrecognizable so for all I know that could be illusion magic though highly doubtful there still is magic taking play.

I shake my head out of my thoughts. This was not the time to be thinking about our secret identities or how the miraculous work. Besides, I know the rule if our identities are ever blown we have to give up the miraculous. I tune back into the conversation between Mr. Damocles and LB.

"Ladybug, is this safe? This is a school." "Yes! Pixelator would never imagine his idol would actually want to hang out at school," She says before backtracking after receiving a look. "I mean isn't school awesome?" "This is ridiculous, nor do I have time for this. First I practically get hijacked by this crazed fan and then I'm attacked by some super weirdo-" I cut Jagged off asking about the crazed fan, my mind instantly thinking back to that guy Vincent when Jagged had checked into the hotel.

"He's come to every one of my shows this year. He's also sent me stacks of letters, gone through my trash, he even followed my mother to her weekly bingo night." "How creepy..." The both of us mutter and Jagged shakes his head. "Eh, not really it's just a bunch of elderly ladies getting together having fun," Not what we meant.

Ladybug grabs her yoyo and flips it open, soon growling in frustration as her hand phased through her yoyo. I connect my knives and start searching for Vincent soon telling LB "Got his address." "You're not gonna leave me here are you?" Jagged starts to ask us as we head out and we leave him with the principal. After a quick trip, we arrive at Vincent's house to see everywhere was covered with Jagged Stone merch. "Well, this isn't creepy at all," Ladybug comments before her attention turns to a certain wall. I looked over to see a bunch of picture frames and inside were living people!

"Ladybug? (s/n)?" We suddenly hear Adrien ask and we turn to see him and Chloé stuck in a frame. "What...What happened to you?" I ask, baffled by the whole thing. "Please, please get us out of here! It's terrible in here! I mean it's only terrible when you're not around," Chloé begs us before cuddling up to Adrien and I take quick notice of LB's annoyed look?

It quickly washed away when we heard more people call out to us for help. "How did this happen?" Ladybug asks. "It's terrible! This man he...He took a photo of us and we ended up trapped in here while we were strolling the Champs-Élysées," We thank them for the info, LB muttering "I sure hope Chat Noir is there already."

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