His hands slide up my legs and under my dress, grabbing my underwear and tugging it down my legs, before throwing them on his desk.

"And this desk is the next place you're going to leave your mark. I want the memory of this every time I sit here," he says as his left hand tilts my head back to kiss my neck and his right hand slips under my dress and makes contact. My back arches reacting to the movement of his fingers gently rubbing. My mouth drops open. He's quick to cover it with his own, absorbing my first moan before his head ducks lower and he's pulling the top of my dress down and attaching his lips to my nipple.

He supports my back with one hand but his other hand moves from my clit and pushes two fingers inside me. I let out a soft grunt and his eyes dart up to mine and a salacious smile spreads on his face at the pleasure he is causing me and the speed with which he can bring me to my peak.

His mouth and fingers work aggressively, and I'm barely able to keep up. I reach for his hard dick, but he pulls his body away so he's out of my grasp. I whine and he kisses my pouting lips with a smirk.

"I'll never last if you touch me right now," he whispers to me.

"But I want to feel you," I whine more.

"Come first, Sunshine, then you can touch me as much as you want," he whispers against my ear, and his speed picks up. He has the rhythm of a skilled dancer.

I can feel my body start to tremble, my legs shake. I clench hard and close my eyes, seeing stars on my closed eyelids.

"Good girl," he says, and reaches back for his pants to pull out a condom. He puts it on and then he's lifting me to bring me closer to the edge of the desk. He puts me back down and his hand is sliding up my stomach, gripping one of my tits and pushing me backwards so I'm lying flat on his desk. He lifts my legs up and looks back down at me.

"You ready?" he asks, which I meet with a nod.

He takes only seconds before he is pushing into me. Like a fighter jet taking off from an aircraft carrier: fast, steady and powerful. You can feel it in your gut. His right hand stays on my chest while his left hand holds my hip, and I know if he weren't holding tight to me that each thrust would push me right off this desk. We've already knocked over a cup full of pens, a few notebooks and a stapler to the floor.

His face is so emotive when he's like this, so much different than the stoic man I get at the club. There's a hunger there, like I'm his last meal and he's going to lick the plate when he's through. His fingers pinch one nipple and then the other, his tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth as he does. Then, his hand moves back to the middle and slowly slides up my chest, the coldness of his rings feels like burning on my hot skin. His hand reaches higher, pushing down on my collar bone like he's testing me. I reach up and grab his wrist, and his eyes flash with worry like he took it too far. But when I move his hand so it's gripping the base of my throat, his eyes darken quickly and his thrusts bury himself even deeper in me.

He looks below his hand at my tits that now bounce freely without him holding them. He licks his lips as he watches, his hand tightening just the slightest. The possessiveness, the hunger, the firm grip is all too much and I can feel myself tighten around his cock as I begin to spiral off the abyss for a second time.

"Harry!" I can't help but shout, completely forgetting where we are. I don't even know up from down at this moment.

"Ciro! Cazzo!!" he shouts, as he looks like he is in pain, but then he pumps hard twice more and he's stilling inside of me as he lets out an anguished grunt, "minchia!" the word continuing for longer than three syllables should.

Dance with Me [h.s] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now