Chapter 137: Question

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Disclaimer: The implications in this chapter do NOT mean what you might think they mean. I do not write about smut with idols, as it makes me uncomfortable to do so. However you choose to interpret the events in this chapter is up to you, but please be aware of MY meaning behind them as well before assuming how I think.



I chuckled at his remarks.

"Are you getting ready to ask me for a favor or something?" I laughed. "You're usually more composed than this."

He looked down a bit, looking like he was thinking. My smile faded once I'd realized he didn't deny my question.

"Five months," he replied. "I've known you for five months and we've hardly been out together like this, so I see how my behavior could seem unfamiliar."

"What are you getting at?" I asked.

Jaehyun finally looked up at me, a glimmer in his eyes and a soft grin on his face. He held out his hand, waiting for me to take it.

"I want you to forget about what we do for a living and pretend we're two normal people living two normal lives for a second," he softly requested. "Trust me."

I took his hand and allowed him to lead me further toward the edge of the rooftop where the border of the building was, preventing us from falling off so easily. I contemplated his words as we stood in silence for a brief moment, admiring the view of the city.

Two normal people.

One 'normal' thing I've always wanted to have was a steady relationship. Everyone gets tired of the 'on and off'' bullshit at some point, and nobody wants to get treated badly. The more I thought about it, whatever it is between me and Jaehyun, it has never been that. It's always been steady, calm, and comforting. Of course we've argued, we've ignored one another, hell, we even stopped seeing each other for a while. However, the difficulties we've faced have made our bond stronger.

I finally have something normal in my life.

I let go of his hand, slipping my arms around his torso instead. I simply leaned against his chest while still facing the city. He didn't move for a second, but finally returned the hug. He gently rubbed my back with his thumb as he did so.

"Your heart's racing," I commented.

"Is it? I was hiding it so well before," he replied.

I smiled before continuing.

"What's on your mind?"

"You," he said without hesitation. "I should've been more nervous about booking that presidential suite for us for the night, but I'm more nervous about what I'm about to ask despite knowing your answer."

"You booked us the suite-?"

"Yes, but just so we could finally sleep in the same bed without worry," he cut me off. "I haven't gotten to sleep with you in my arms comfortably in a while. As intimate as it sounds, feeling your skin on mine is comforting. Even just your hands, they keep me at ease."

"Mm," I hummed, slowly nodding. "So what's the question then?"

He let a moment of silence pass before finally answering me.

"Y/N... will you formally go out with me?"

I smiled at the question and the hint of slight nervousness in his voice. After all this time, does he really think I'd say no?

"Before I answer, can I ask you something?" I questioned.

He nodded, curiously looking down at me.

"What do you see with me?"

A/N: IM SO DUMB LMAO I WAS ON A WRITERS BLOCK CAUSE I WAS LIKE "wtf do couples even do, like what's cute but not cringey and works with the storyline" BUT THEN I REMEMBERED IM IN A RELATIONSHIP AND I WAS LIKE "AH YES FINALLY, ✨INSPIRATION✨"

So I got it now, I'm trying to make a couple cute chapters for you all since I'm sure you're sick of the consistent near death situations. YES this story is long asf, my thought process was "slow burn while also being a crime/mafia story" so I apologize but I appreciate everyone who continues to read it. <3

(I love them sm omg)

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(I love them sm omg)

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