𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕: 𝐋𝐢𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠

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Just as Luka opened his mouth to speak, a knock was heard at my office door, causing the three of us to shift our eyes towards the door.

"Just a moment," I called out.

"Ms. Kang, someone's here to see you!" My secretary, Choi Yuri, responded.

I rolled my eyes and tilted my head to the side, popping my neck before standing. Most people at my company, aside from the Shades, know and call my by my cover name, Angel, but the commoners of my company and the press know me as Kang Y/N, my birth name. My two lives are lived separate yet conjoined, my personality between the two doesn't change.

Upon standing, I was ready to greet my secretary and whoever stood behind the large wooden doors with her.

"Come in, I don't have all day, Miss Choi," I said, waiting on her response.

She opened the door, and a huge smile grew on my face once I saw who it was. Time for business.

"Lieutenant Jung! What brings you by?" I said, my tone softening upon greeting our guest.

"Ms. Kang," he cleared his throat, glancing at my secretary.

"Ah, Yuri, do you mind, my dear?" I hummed.

"Ah- Oh! Sorry," she bowed, her face turning pink at my remark.

Yuri closed the large doors behind her, leaving me and the three men before me, alone in my office. I gestured for Lieutenant Jung to take one of the two seats in front of me, Luka sitting in the other, and Tony, now standing by my side. Lieutenant Jung relaxed once we were settled and placed a small stack of files on my desk.

"What's this for?" I questioned, as I skimmed through the papers in the files. My perky expression dropped to a serious one, my tone dropping to match.

"I need you to investigate something for me," he began. "As you know, there have been a series of mysterious shootouts involving large corporations-"

"Including ours," I cut him off, gritting my teeth.

"Yes, correct, but here's the odd part, while investigating, we found a third party."

My face perked up at his statement, like a dog who's ears lifted at a loud or unknown sound. My eyes focused on him, attentively listening to his every word.

"What do you mean?" I asked, leaning forward on my desk. I rested my head in my hand as I carefully listened to him.

"Someone is taking these suspects out, take a look at the files," he said, pushing the rest of the files closer to me. Luka and Tony took it upon themselves to each grab a file and begin flipping through them.

"A look out.." Tony mumbled, looking over to Lieutenant Jung with his brows furrowed.

"Yes!" He exclaimed. "At every location, there was a watch out just seconds before the crime took place, then they vanished."

"So when does the third party come in?" Luka chimed in.

"We couldn't find the suspects who were at the scenes seconds before the crime took place, but then they were suddenly brought to us," he stated, looking dead serious.

"Like they knew you were looking for them," I mumbled just loud enough for the men to hear.

"Exactly," Lieutenant Jung concluded.

"Do you know who it is?" I asked, looking up from the papers in my hand to meet eyes with the Lieutenant.

He shrugged, well that was an unprofessional response, I scoffed to myself at his response.

"Then? What do you want us to do?" I questioned, leaning back in my chair.

"Find them," he said, not taking his eyes off mine.

"Do you have any leads?"

He paused to think.

"I... I might, but I could also be wrong," he finally spoke.

"Well?" I said, getting impatient.

"NCT," he bluntly stated.

A/N: Hey, are you liking the story so far? I know the progression is slow, and some of you are probably wondering, "when does NCT actually come in instead of just being mentioned?" Welllll, they're coming in VERY SOON!! I want to build the plot and character development so this story is long and enjoyable for those who like it, instead of short lived. Please be patient with me!! <3 P.S. Lieutenant Jung is not Jaehyun, but he's coming up soon

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