Chapter 143: Say Goodbye

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Side Note: I sincerely apologize for my long hiatus and lack of a prior explanation. A lot has gone on and changed in my life between now and the break I had chosen to take from reading and writing in general. I hope you all know I haven't forgotten about this story, and have constantly thought about how I should continue it after leaving it untouched for so long. I'm still just as grateful as I was before, if not, more, for all of the reads, likes, and comments you all have left on this story. I also appreciate those who have continued to follow me and those who have joined my following as well. I cannot promise consistent updates, but I can promise that I will do my absolute best to try and finish this story for you all. If you or anyone you know is struggling with problems in their everyday life, whether it be mentally or physically, remember you're not alone, and you matter. Every one of you matters to me, just as you did before. I hope you're all taking great care of yourselves. Thank you for your patience and as always, much love~ A. 


"I want K Group."


"Pfft-" I cackled at his statement.

He can't be serious.

I watched his peppy expression turn grim.

Oh. He's serious.

My smile dropped, and my eyebrows furrowed as I looked at him.

"You really think I'd sell my company to you? I've just become one of the largest innovative CEOs in this city, and you want me to sell my life's work to you?" I laughed. "Do you not have a multimillion-dollar company of your own?"

"Oh, I do," he answered, smiling at the ground. "However it still isn't quite enough to my fitting."

"How so?" I questioned.

"Y/N, my dearest Y/N, in getting rid of K Group, I'd be getting rid of my main competitor!" He smiled. "Well, purchasing K Group, I should say."

"And what about NCT? The top company in Korea?" I asked, arching my brow.

"That's what this deal is for, dear," he smirked. "Two birds with one stone."

"I don't think I follow-"

I was cut off by an incoming call on my cell phone. Of all people, I was surprised to see it was Daisuke at a time like this.

"Mr. Tanaka, I don't have time-"

"It was a setup."

"What?" I nearly shouted, trying to remain calm.

"Jaeho set us up. He's got Jaehyun hostage in a building full of armed men and we have reason to believe a bomb may be planted within the building," he finished.

I slowly looked up from the phone, making direct eye contact with Jaeho. The frown on my face gave all of what I'd just heard away.

"What do you mean, it was a setup?"

Jaeho's grin only grew.

"Ace called us saying backup was needed at NCT's Building. Luka, Tony, and I rode together and met with Taeyong. He asked if Jaehyun was still with you, but we told him he'd left your office about 30 mins ago," he finished. 

I couldn't utter a single word, all I could do was stare at Jaeho. He had the most cunning smirk on his face.

I wanted to rip it to shreds.

"Are you sure he's inside the building? Is there anyone else with him?" I pressed.

"As far as we're aware, it's just him. We sent more of the Shades out to surround the building. There are snipers on every neighboring rooftop," he answered.

"Call the Lieutenant as well, I have to go now," I concluded, hanging up on Daisuke.

"Ah," Jaeho sighed, "I guess the jig is up."

"Tell them to release him," I said sternly.

"Oh, I will, love, don't worry," he paused. "Only on one condition."

"There's no use, I'm not selling my company to you," I scoffed.

"No?" He teased, "Then you should say goodbye to your little boy toy, darling."

"He won't be around much longer."

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