Chapter 111: Angel

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Jaehyun POV

It felt like I'd forgotten how to breathe.

I've seen many different women in my lifetime, whether it be at work, on the street, at a club, in a location near a mission, but never have I ever seen anyone remotely as beautiful as the woman standing before me right now.

Being in a mafia, I have no doubt that the both of us have occasional regrets, things we wish we could go back and do over, but having known I was able to meet someone so beautiful through a job so horrid...

I wouldn't have changed a thing.

I'd kill a thousand times over just to see her again that first night in the hotel, then again during the shootout, and especially now as she stood before me.

I won't ever ignore that she too, has gunned down many people in her lifetime, but I'll choose to accept it along with every one of her flaws.

I have no doubt she'll choose to do the same with mine.

We may not be living the most comfortable of lives with what we do, but it doesn't make the woman that she is any less amazing. Seeing her stand before me, wearing the dress I had chosen after consulting a worker in a woman's clothing store, I realized there was nothing in this world I'd rather see more than her in front of me like this, for the rest of my life.

"Was there something you wanted to say, or are you going to keep staring, dear?" She asked with a slight grin on her face.

"Ah," I finally spoke, prying my eyes away from her. "I just came to say goodnight."

I turned away from her, about to exit, but the sound of her voice stopped me.


I turned back to face her, slightly raising my brow. She looked away from me before regaining eye contact.

She looked hesitant.

"Would you mind spending the night with me...?" She asked.

Her voice sounded so soft and timid. It was impossible for me to say no, even if I'd wanted to. I nodded with a soft smile, turning off the light after waiting for her to get comfortable in bed. I made my way to the other side, pulling up the blankets to lay underneath the sheets beside her.

A few minutes had gone by as she laid with her back facing me, and I did nothing but face the ceiling with my hands resting on my torso. I glanced over at the back of her head, finally deciding to slightly hover over her so that I may kiss the top of her head. I could tell a faint smile had grown onto her face by my gesture.

I wanted to hold her so bad.

Before I could even finish my thought, she gave me permission to do what I'd been waiting to do most.

"It's okay to hold me... I'm not glass," She stated quietly.

I let out a soft chuckle before turning over and pulling her close to my chest. To my surprise, she turned over to face me, and gently rested her palm against my cheek. I could feel her thumb lightly caress underneath my eye as she did so. I placed my hand over her's, keeping it on my face. It wasn't until this very moment that I'd realized how vulnerable she'd chosen to be with me.

I appreciated it more than anything in the world, and I treasured her trust.

I felt her slightly move forward as she leaned to place a soft kiss on my lips. Of course, I returned the kiss, feeling warmed by her gesture. Once her soft lips pulled away from mine, I again, pulled her body closer to mine.

"Goodnight, Jaehyun," she said softly.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

I now see why the name Angel suits her perfectly.

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