Chapter 142: "I want--"

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I was woken up to the irritating sound of a phone call, and Jaehyun's muffled groaning after I moved out of his arms. I answered the phone, crankier than I was anticipating to be.

"What?" I answered, irritated.

"I hate to ruin your day off, but you've gotta get over here now," Luka responded in a hushed tone.

"What? Why? And why are you so-"

"Jaeho is sitting in your office."

I froze at the sound of his name, eyes now wide, and fully awake. I turned over to Jaehyun, watching him slowly move away from me, waking to the realization that something was wrong.

"Please get here as soon as possible. He came alone. Something doesn't feel right," Luka added.

"I'll be there soon."


I approached my office doors at a moderately fast, angry seeming pace. Every one of my employees looked too terrified to even glance in my direction, fearing that my anger might be directed at one of them. However, in all seriousness, it wasn't anger I was truly feeling...

I was anxious.

I glanced at Daisuke, who was still standing by my office door. The reassuring nod he gave me, and the anxious look in his eyes was no different from mine. I adjusted my blazer before entering my office.

Remain calm, slow, and steady.

Don't let him read you Y/N.

"It's about time you showed up," he chuckled, placing down a nearly empty cup of coffee. "Do you leave all your guests waiting for an hour and a half?"

"Enough of the bullshit," I stated. "Why are you here?"

I sat down, remaining expressionless. My eyes looked more tired and "done" than they did restless and irritated.

"Woahhh, why so hostile, dear?" He smirked, leaning back in the chair across from me. "I've just come to pay you a little visit."

I stared at him, trying to figure out what his angle was.

His smirk only grew.

"Keep staring, beautiful, I like the way you're looking at me right now," He said in a deep, hushed tone.

"You disgust me," I scoffed, looking away. "Can we get this over with?"

"Of course!" he chuckled.

He pulled a small slip of paper from his pocket, tossing it over my desk. I glared at him, hesitant to take it. He stood from his seat, shoving his hands in his pockets to pace around my room. Jaeho nodded toward the slip with a small smirk, waiting for me to open it.

"A check? What for?" I questioned, confused by his proposal.

He deeply inhaled, a small smile on his face. He pulled his hands from his pockets, slightly holding his arms open.

"I want K Group."

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