Chapter 45: Blue

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I stared into the mirror, admiring the dress Jaehyun had gotten me. It wasn't anything too flashy, it was simple, but I loved it that way. I smiled as I admired my reflection.

He has good taste.


My eyes locked with Luka's as I approached the limousine he'd bought. The smile on his face grew bigger as I approached him. I broke my serious stare, smirking at him before being utterly surprised. Seconds before I could reach the car, Tony stepped out from the back seat. The moment we made eye contact, I felt my heart pick up it's steady pace.

He and I haven't spoken since that night. The moment I set eyes on him, my heart began to throb. It doesn't feel the way it does when you have feelings for someone, but it hurts instead.

"You look amazing, A. Almost makes me wanna get rejected again," Luka joked, taking my focus off of Tony.

I laughed a bit.

From the corner of my eye, I could see how Tony tried his best to keep his eyes away from me, but failed. His eyes scanned over me, and he slowly nodded in approval.

"You look stunning," he said in a soft tone.

"Thank you both," I answered. "We should get going, the party is going to start soon," I concluded, trying to hide how nervous I was.

Luka opened the backseat door, allowing me into the large space inside. Tony went around to the passenger side of the car, entering the front, alongside Luka.

Finally, after what felt like forever, we arrived at the villa. Luka elped me out of the car, giving his keys to the valet worker. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for whatever may happen.

I felt at ease the second I saw Jaehyun, standing right where he said he'd be. I felt time stop when his eyes landed on mine. I couldn't help myself but to smile. I steadily approached him as he turned to face me.

My eyes wandered over his fitted figure, admiring his attire. He was wearing a white button down shirt with black trousers, black dress shoes, and a nicely fitted black blazer. Once my gaze reconnected with his, a large smile grew on his face.

"Do I look that good?" He asked once I reached him.

"No, you look terrible. I had to check again to see if it was really you," I stated sarcastically.

He chuckled a bit before finally taking a minute to admire the dress he'd bought. I watched as his eyes traveled over my figure, just as they had before. His eyes softened and yearned at the same time at the sight of me.

"You look beautiful," he said, smiling at me.

"Thank you," I said, smirking back.

I paused for a moment, finally acknowledging why he looked slightly different.

"Oh, you dyed your hair?" I asked, noticing his hair is now a deep, dark blue.

"I did, do you like it?" He asked proudly.

I reached for his hair, fixing a few loose strands.

"I don't know what gel you've been using, but it isn't working, my love," I laughed. "Don't get me wrong, the messy look is flawless on you, but I don't know what you're-"

I was cut off by his hand gently grasping my wrist. He pulled it away from his hair, bringing my hand down close to his lips. He slid his hand from my wrist, into my palm, lightly holding it. He kissed the top of my hand, making me slightly blush.

"I'll take that as a yes?" He asked in a low, husk tone.

He smirked at me, knowing exactly what he was doing to me. I pulled my hand away from his, looking away.

"The color suits you well," I mumbled.

He chuckled at my answer.

"You ready?" Jaehyun asked, glancing at me then over at Tony and Luka who weren't far behind me.

I nodded in response, linking arms with his.

"President Tanaka?" He asked, extending his free hand.

"Director Jung," Luka confidently replied. "Nice to finally meet you."

"And you are..?" Jaehyun questioned, gesturing toward Tony.

"Ah, he's the muscle," Luka joked. "He's-"

"He's my right hand," I stated, cutting Luka off.

A faint smile grew on Tony's face at my words as he finally shook Jaehyun's hand. I studied each of their expressions carefully. I could tell there was some kind of unsaid competition between them. Jaehyun smirked as he finally let go of Tony's hand and placed his hand over mine as it rested on his arm.

"Let's go."


Hey! So, school starts tomorrow, and I'm not sure I'll be able to keep up with my current updating schedule... I'm hoping to test it the first day (or couple days), and see if I can still write chapters and post on time for each of you. If I'm not able to, I'll either be moving my updating schedule to a later time, or to only a couple days a week. If I end up having to make these changes, I hope you know I'm truly sorry for my busy schedule, but I'll keep trying my best!! For those of you attending school also, I'm sure you'll do your best too!! Much love~ <3

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