Chapter 68: Relation

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The second those five words rolled off my tongue and out of my mouth, Daisuke's eyes widened.

"What?" He asked. "But he's not-"

"Have you ever taken a blood test to prove whether or not that's true?" I questioned with a smirk, cutting him off.

He stopped for a second to let my words sink in and think. He looked closely at Seo-woo's face, then back at me.

"How did you know Seo-yeon and I-"

"You never tried to hide it, dear. You acted like you wanted to, but we both know you never actually hid your feelings for her," I stated, cutting him off. "It was obvious why you left back then."

He paused, his expressionless stare remaining focused on my firm gaze.

"What if he isn't?" He mumbled, looking back at Seo-woo.

"And what if he is?" I refuted.

Daisuke brought his free hand to the small boy's face, gently caressing his cheek with his thumb.

Now he sees it.

His thumb gently grazed the small mole underneath Seo-woo's his right eye, just like Daisuke's. His thin, almond eyes matched those of Daisuke's, along with his beautifully colored lips and dimpled smile. His hair was jet black with a red hue. Daisuke's natural hair is jet black, whereas Seo-yeon's is a beautiful brown with a slight red hue.

"Will you do it?" I quietly asked.

He remained silent, still eyeing Seo-woo's small features. I knew he'd already treasured the boy dearly as if he were his own, but I now believe the possibility of him truly being his father stunned him more.

"When everything is over," he paused, "I will, and if what you're saying is true, then I'll be the best possible father for him."

I softly grinned, but my attention turned away from Daisuke when I was faced with Luka emerging from the room. He adjusted his suit and tie, sternly looking at me. He forced a small smirk, placing his soft palm against my cheek before speaking.

"I have to attend an important meeting.." he began.

He hesitated, carefully choosing his next words.

"I know I seemed heartbroken about you leaving," he softly stated. "It's tough not knowing where you'll go, if you'll be okay, or whether you'll even return."

He paused before continuing his statement.

"But I'm no longer grieving over a person who is standing in front of me," he said with a soft smile before continuing.

"I know you'll come back to us... You always do."

A/N: THANK YOU FOR 8K READS!! I'm happy to see many of you reading/enjoying my story, and I always appreciate the comments some of you leave on the chapters. I appreciate all of you and how far we've come with this story. ALSO, thank you soooooo much for being patient with me these past few months. My hiatus notice was a bit uncalled for, but I can say with confidence that I'm in a much better position to continue posting for you all. Much love~!! ♥︎

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