Chapter 103: Shadow

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Jaehyun POV

I walked up to Y/N's company building, not bothering to pay much attention to my surroundings. I've been here on a few occasions in the past few weeks to either meet with President Tanaka, or to pick up Taeyong from a meeting with him.

I couldn't bring myself to come here on my own.

Back at the company, however, everything feels like it's been on hold. I haven't been able to focus on my work as much as I did when she was around. My eyes continuously wandered to the desk she once sat at. Because of this, I had the door to her mini office locked shut in hopes I'd be less distracted.

Johnny has been supportive with the search for her, as well as Wonwoo. After walking home together, I realized we truly were alike in many ways. He's been of great help to me also.

I pulled open the heavy glass door, entering the large building. I politely smiled at the receptionist, for she already knew why I was here.

I looked at the hallway behind her, somewhat to my left. Not far down the hall was Taeyong staring at me wide eyed. He didn't look like he was going to move anytime soon, so I took it upon myself to approach him. Once I got closer, he seemed to finally realize that I was in front of him.

"Something wrong?" I asked, noticing as he was still trying to cover up his originally surprised expression.

"No," he replied, shaking his head.

I stared at him for a moment, but didn't think much of it. The two of us began walking back towards the entrance, but I stopped myself, remembering there was something I'd wanted to discuss with Luka.

"Ah, excuse me for a minute," I pardoned, turning around.

Before I could get far, Taeyong had firmly gripped my arm to stop me. I was beside a hallway not far from the elevator door. For a second, I'd thought I saw someone in the hallway beside me. I turned, looking down the somewhat dim hall.


Ah, my eyes haven't been the best lately...

"Jaehyun!" Taeyong called in a raised tone.

I turned, looking confused, to see him still gripping my arm.

"Maybe we can come back another day? I need you back at the company immediately, actually. President Tanaka and I have discussed some things I'd like to share with the rest of you," he said calmly.

I nodded, taking one last glance down the hallway before exiting the building.

I swear there was someone standing there...

A/N: Another not so exciting chapter :/

Sooooo, pictures will be my way of making up for it :) Much love to you all ♥︎

Sooooo, pictures will be my way of making up for it :) Much love to you all ♥︎

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