Chapter 124: Devil

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"You either let me in, or I let myself in."

"Come in, Haechan," I called out, rolling my eyes.

He peppily entered my office with a bright smile on his face. Not long after that day, he'd come to frequently visit the company. I would have to occasionally go to NCT's company building to discuss project ideas with Taeyong and Doyoung, but Jaehyun seemed to always manage his way out of those meetings. Haechan mostly stops by when he's bored since he and Daisuke get along well.

"Still drowning in work?" He asked, picking up a few on my papers and reading them.

"Yep," I answered, snatching the page back. "What are you here for?"

He heaved a small sigh, plopping himself down in the chair before me.

"Sadly, I'm here to see your grumpy self," he answered.

"What for?"

"It's been weeks... but I think you should talk to him."

I paused, glancing up at him before putting my pen and papers down to stand.

"I know it sounds crazy, but just hear me out-" He pleaded.

I held up my hand, signaling that he remain silent.

"Unless Taeyong sends Mr. Jung over for business, there's no need for me to speak to him," I stated clearly. "Sorry to cut this visit short, but I actually have someone to meet with."

"A meeting on a Friday afternoon?" He questioned. "With who?"

"The President of L Corp."

"Serious?!" He shouted in shock. "I know Jae hurt you, but going back to your insane ex-"

"Meeting with Mr. Lam has nothing to do with you or Mr. Jung. Now if you'll excuse me," I said, walking past him, toward my door.

As I brushed past him, I chose to mumble the last few words of my statement.

"I have a meeting with the devil."

A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 70K READS!!! I know things are a little twisted in this story right now, but their happy ending will come soon....

I might throw in one more emotional roller coaster though I'm so sorry 😭

Much love always ❤️

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