Chapter 27: Persistence

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I glanced at the clock, shocked to see it was 8:30. The office is mostly empty, I should get going soon. Time throughout the day flew by much faster than I thought it would. I guess I was too immersed in my work to notice the time pass. I'm used to much more work than I'm getting now, so this has felt like a good break for me.

My work and thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my office door frame since it was always kept open. My eyes were met with a smiling Jaehyun.

"Don't you plan on leaving anytime soon?" He asked, leaning against the frame.

"I do, I'm almost done with this manuscript," I replied.

"Have you eaten yet?" He asked.

"Not since this morning," I said, finishing up my work. "Why?"

"Let me buy you dinner."

"What?" I asked, looking up at him.

"You heard me," he said, smiling. "Dine with me."

I stared at him for a moment, assessing his words.

"No," I sternly answered.

"What? Why not?" He asked, journeying further into the room.

He took a seat in the chair across from mine, marking his stay. It was obvious he wasn't going to leave until I did.

"You don't think that's a little unprofessional?" I asked, smirking at him.

I knew exactly what my distance was doing to him. My refusal hurt him, but he wasn't going to give up. It was a test.

"It's outside office hours, sweetheart," he replied, returning the smirk.

"Mm, I'm sorry but you're wrong, it's not. Not as long were inside the company building, Mr. Jung."

My voice lingered on the way I said his name, persuading him further. He stopped and thought for a moment before getting up and coming around my desk.

"What are you-" I uttered out.

He began packing up my things. My papers, my laptop, my bag, all to get me out of the office. Once he was done, he took my bag and left his office. I followed, as he expected.

"Excuse me, sir, I do need my bag, thank you," I explained, taking my bag from him.

He instantly whipped his head around to face me.

"Sir?" He asked.

"Yes," I responded. "Is there an issue?"

"Yes," he said with an irritated laugh. "Do I look like an old man to you?"

"Oh my, quit frowning, dear. Your wrinkles are getting worse-" I said jokingly, reaching toward his brows.

He gently but tightly grabbed my wrist, pulling it away from his face. I smiled proudly, knowing I was pushing his buttons. He looked at me and sarcastically scoffed.

"What? You seemed so confident in your words earlier, can you no longer speak-" I teased.

My words were cut off by his hand over my mouth.

"Another word, and I'll let you starve," he said, sternly.

A small grin grew on my lips underneath his large hand. I gently placed my hand over his, pulling it down.

"I never asked you to buy me dinner, love," I replied.

He faintly smiled.

"You're very right," he looked down at my wrist in his hand. He loosened his grip, moving his hand down from my wrist to my hand, holding it gently. "But I'm still taking you with me."

"I beg your pardon- Hey!" I exclaimed.

Before I knew it, we were practically running down the hall and out of the building. We kept running until we finally reached the sidewalk, and he let go of my hand.

"You did that on purpose," I whined, slightly panting.

"Of course I did," he laughed. "You were talking too much.

"Hey, I was not-" I tried saying before being cut off, yet again.

"Taxi!" He called out waving his arm out to the street before us.

"What now?" I asked.

"I buy you dinner."

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