Chapter 25: Necklace

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"I didn't think you'd stomp in there for an INTERVIEW! Why not just request a MEETING instead and ask for a position? Y'know, like I thought you were.. I hate to say it, A, but this'll cause a lot of controversy, the people may think you're going bankrupt! The press may only think you were there for a meeting now, but what happens when they find out the truth??"

I rested my head in the palm of my hand, staring blankly at the man in front of me.

"Seungkwan, if this is all you came here for, I might have to ask you to leave," I said bluntly.

He scoffed before responding.

"Only reason I'm here is because Wonwoo is too soft to say this to you," he retorted.

"I'm not a child, I knew exactly what I was doing," I said, going through the papers in front of me.

He was quiet for a moment. Anyone that knows me, knows I never make a move unless I know it'll benefit me.

"Even so," he finally said, "how are you going to deal with it if the rumors get out of control?"

"Simple, I won't," I responded.


He stopped pacing back and forth and turned to face me.

"I won't, must I repeat myself for a third time?" I asked, getting annoyed.

"But what if-"

"There is no 'what if," I answered, cutting him off. "If rumors spread, I won't do anything about it unless I'm forced to call a press conference to clear things up, but as of now, rumors will be rumors."

He slowly nodded, trying to calm down. He understands he can't change my mind since I've already thought this through.

"Now, if you don't mind," I began, "I have to get settled into my new office soon and I'd like to rest in peace," I finished.

"Good luck, Y/N," Seungkwan quietly said as he left the room.

I heaved a sigh and fell back into my chair. I ran my fingers through my hair. As if things weren't stressful enough-

"Oh! I almost forgot," he exclaimed, re-entering the room.

I leaned forward, waiting for him to speak. Instead of spewing meaningless nonsense, he placed a small box on my desk.

"This was outside your front door."

I looked at him carefully, slightly confused. I recently bought a home closer to NCT's company. It isn't too large, but not too small. It has two stories and a sweet modern look to its exterior while it's interior has a more comfortable design. The only people who I told about this home were Seungkwan, and the higher ups at NCT Industries. The only reason Seungkwan knows is because he requested today's visit. Since I'm now not only an employee, but a secretary of one of the most important people of the company, my address was required in the contract.

Thinking back, I'm now realizing that the only person who really saw that contract was Jaehyun. As Seungkwan left the room, I let out yet another sigh.

"You've gotta be kidding me," I mumbled.

I opened the small box and found a small piece of paper inside.

'Please accept this token of my apology, as well as this welcoming gift'

I scoffed, placing the small piece of paper aside, and looking at the small diamond necklace in the box. I let out a troubling laugh as I lifted the necklace from the box, examining it. My feelings of irritation slowly faded away as a faint smile appeared on my face. I looked down at the box, my eyes widening as I took a closer look. I let out a laugh upon noticing the price tag still on the box.

"Idiot... why would you spend so much on someone you barely know?" I said to myself.

I gently placed the necklace back in the box and put it in a drawer in my desk.

Maybe forgiving him won't be so bad.

A/N: Double update today? I think yes.

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