Chapter 44: Worry

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I plopped down on my couch, tossing my heels to the side after calling Seungkwan to pick up my car. I looked around the empty living room, feeling comforted by the silence surrounding me.

What the hell was that earlier?

I thought back to when I was walking with Jaehyun. At the thought of him, the overwhelming nervous feeling returned to my chest. I could almost hear my heart pounding as I recalled the moment.

"Stop," I groaned, trying to push the thought of him from my mind.

I looked at my watch, knowing it'll take Seungkwan around 45 minutes to get from SVT's company building to NCT's, then another 5 to get here.

"I guess I should go wash up."


I walked down the steps, running my fingers through my still damp hair. I left my gate unlocked for Seungkwan so he didn't have to stand at the gate whenever he arrived. I fixated myself on the sofa, and patiently waited for him to arrive. Not long after I got comfortable, I heard a ring at my front door. He's earlier than I expected..? That's odd, he's never early.

I slowly opened the door, ready to make a joke about him showing up earlier than expected when I was shocked to see it wasn't him. I felt my entire body freeze and my heart slightly ache. I watched the man before me faintly smile at me.

He missed me.. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him too.

"Wonwoo.." I mumbled, still stunned that he was at my front doorstep.

It's been almost four months since I've last seen him. Questions flooded my mind while I tried to process his presence.

Why is he here? How did he know where I was living? What's he been up to since we last spoke? Is he.. okay?

The last question hit me once I noticed the shy, sorry look in his eyes.

"Why are you-"

"Seungkwan sent me to pick up your car," he answered, cutting me off. "Plus.. I needed to see you. I needed to know you were okay. We haven't spoken in a while..." he said softly.

I remained silent, still unsure of what to say.

"Now that I see you're doing fine, I guess I should go, huh?" He said, forcing a laugh. "Here, your keys," he said, handing them to me.

I slowly nodded, holding tightly onto my car keys.

"I'll lock the gate. Get some rest, Y/N," he finished, forcing a weak smile.

I watched as he began to walk off.

I can't just let him leave like this, not after he came all this way to see me.

"Wonwoo, wait!" I blurted just loud enough for him to hear.

Before I could realize what I was doing or even stop myself, I ran up to him. I wrapped my arms tightly around his strong torso, hugging his back. I felt him freeze in place, unsure of what to do.

It took him a minute, but he soon rested his hands on top of mine, holding them against his chest. He pulled my hands from his chest, gently holding onto them. He turned to face me with a small smile on his face. I looked up at him while he looked down at me.

He gently pulled me into his arms. I allowed myself to fall into his chest, exhausted from the long week.

"I missed you too," I quietly mumbled into his chest.

He hugged me tighter in response. After a few minutes, he finally let go of me, gently holding onto my shoulders.

"Go get some rest, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" He said, smiling.

"Mm," I nodded. "Get home safe."

He nodded and waved as he walked away from me. Just as he said he would, he locked my gate before reaching the street and calling a taxi. I faintly smiled, glad he stopped by.

I needed to see him.

While I was happy to see him, I felt sorry at the same time. An aching feeling in my chest created a question I tried so hard to ignore.

Wonwoo, you're still in love with me, aren't you?

A/N: Remember that dress you chose a few chapters ago? That's the dress you'll have for the next chapter!! I wonder what Jaehyun will think when he sees Y/N..?

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