Chapter 128: I. L. Y.

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"Is that all?" I asked.

He quickly shook his head, continuing to speak.

"I'm not really sure how to word this," he nervously laughed. "I didn't think you'd let me get this far."

I fought back a small smile, trying to keep a stiff face. I watched as his small laugh brought out his dimples. I missed the feeling of his soft face in the palm of my hand, reminding me of the night we innocently slept together.

I know I should be mad at you, maybe hate you, but right now, I'm willing to spare every second in this world to hear what you have to say to me.

"I know 'I'm sorry' won't take away or fix the pain I know I've caused you, but I truly hope you know I'll never stop regretting that day... From the second I walked away to the second I watched you drive away, I regretted every all of it. When I first saw you outside the company building, I wanted nothing more than to take you into my arms and never let go.."

Jaehyun's words softened my previous irritation, making me feel sad that we had even gotten here in the first place.

"I promised you that you were never alone," He said softly, bringing me back to the night I'd said goodbye before meeting Ryoto. "I promised that it was no longer 'you and me,' but 'us.' I broke that promise for a short while, but I want to make it up to you by truly proving that there really is an 'us.' I made the reckless decision of thinking that being apart would be best for us, but living a less dangerous lifestyle would be nothing to me. I'd rather be shot at a thousand times over and have you by my side than walk around freely without you."

He paused, keeping his deep brown eyes focused on mine as he looked at me. I kept my composure, refusing to say a word as I waited for him to finish.

But I never expected him to say-

"Y/N, I love you. You don't have to say it back and you don't have to forgive me, but I mean it when I say that despite this dangerous love, I love you."

My eyes widened in shock, and I felt the emotional wall I'd spent so long putting up, crumble before me. 'I love you' were the only words I could seem to think of, and the only words I really needed to hear.

Just this once, I surrender my feelings...

I took a few steps forward, cupping Jaehyun's face with my hands, and bringing his face close to mine. He didn't hesitate in kissing me back as he slid his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his torso.

His lips were still as soft as I remembered them. His kiss was just as passionate as it was the first time, and the feeling of his lips on mine was just as comforting as before.

I felt him smile into the kiss, and I did the same as I pulled away. I gently caressed his soft cheek with my thumb before speaking.

"I love you too."

I could see his eyes light up with nothing but pure joy. A large smile grew onto his face, causing his eyes to crease, his nose to crinkle, and his dimples creased deep into his face. He let out a small laugh, almost like a young boy before lifting me up and spinning me around.

For two people who are cold blooded, we probably look like warm hearted newlyweds right now...

I laughed to myself at the thought. I haven't felt this normal in years. I suddenly remembered my meeting, and looked down at my watch.


I stepped away from Jaehyun once he put me down, and his smile grew serious when he remembered who I was supposed to be meeting.

"Are you still going to meet him...?" He asked, studying my face.

"Give me a second," I said, taking a few steps away to make the call.

"Ms. Kang!" Jaeho exclaimed on the other end of the phone. "I'm surprised you called, aren't I supposed to meet with you in a few minutes?"

"Mr. Lam," I said in a blunt tone. "I apologize, this is highly unlike me, but I'd like to request we meet some other time? Something came up and I'm afraid I'll be busy for a while."

"Don't worry about it, darling, I was surprised you remembered to meet with me in the first place," He responded in a snarky tone.

"How could I forget when you'd sent a pawn to not only tarnish my company's image, but also remind me of today," I retorted.

"Ah," He laughed, "I nearly forgot about him... His family misses him dearly."

I paused, recalling the poor man who'd begged me to at the least ensure his family's safety while he's being held hostage.

"His family," I repeated. "Won't you let them go anytime soon?"

"I suppose something could be arranged," He sighed. "I am planning to take up quite a bit of your time, so I guess it's fair."

"Don't send them home," I strictly stated. "Send them to Angel Manor, I have other plans in mind for the boy."

"Still cold as ever, I see, Y/N," he said. "I'll contact you again in a few months, take care, dear."

Before I could get another word in, he hung up the phone. I heaved a sigh, turning back to Jaehyun. I approached him, wrapping my arms around his neck as he wrapped his tightly around my waist.

As stressful as this day and the last few weeks have been, I'm more than happy that Jaehyun came to see me today...

Though I'm concerned as to how long this "happiness" will last before something happens again, I'll enjoy every second for as long as I possibly can.

A/N: LONG chapter I know (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')

I hope everyone is doing well, much love always ❤️

I hope everyone is doing well, much love always ❤️

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