Chapter 130: Flowers

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"Have a good rest of your day, Y/N. I'll be back to pick you up later," Jaehyun stated as he dropped me off in front of K Group.

"Sounds fine to me. Dinner later?" I suggested with a faint smile.

He nodded before kissing my hand and returning to the drivers side of the car to return to NCT Industries. I entered the company, receiving odd looks and wide eyed stares from a majority of my staff. I escaped the consistent stares when I'd entered the elevator.

Am I smiling too much? Could that be the reason they're all staring?

I shook off the thought, readjusting my necklace before exiting the elevator onto the top floor. The second it opened, I was appalled by the words I'd heard.

"So how does it feel to be rejected?" Daisuke joked to Luka.

We were all surprised when he'd mentioned to us that he had a slim crush on one of his lady friends. Luka was a very respectful man, but he wasn't known to open up to people romantically. He'd only had a few flings here and there.

I guess his confession didn't go too well.

"Not sure, ask Tony," he laughed. "His love rival just confessed his love for our boss on national television, I can only imagine the look on his face-"

Luka froze, and the clowned expression on his face dropped to a shocked one once he saw me standing in front of him. Daisuke's eyes widened, and he took a sip of his coffee as he turned around to avoid the situation at hand. That coffee went to waste the second he saw Tony standing behind him. He immediately spit out the drink, apologetically bowing to Tony in fear. Tony simply nodded him off, remaining quiet until Luka acknowledged his presence. Daisuke patted Luka's shoulder and quickly walked toward the elevator to exit.

"Mr. Tanaka," I greeted sternly.

"M-Ms. Kang," He awkwardly laughed. "I was just about to walk back to-"

His words were cut off when he accidentally walked backward into Tony's chest. He looked behind him and covered his mouth at the sight of him. Tony looked up from Luka's terrified gaze, and was met with my irritated one. For a second, he looked away, almost as if he couldn't bear to look at me for too long. I pretended not to notice, and averted my attention back to Luka.

"I expect to see you in my office later," I mumbled to Luka as I walked past him, tapping Tony's shoulder to follow me.

He followed me to my office, closing the door behind him. I motioned for him to sit in the seat across from mine at my desk. We sat in silence while I took a moment to choose my words carefully. Just as I was about to speak, his words prevented me from doing so.

"If you're going to apologize for Luka's stupidity, don't," He said quietly, keeping his eyes down on the table. "He's right."

He awkwardly laughed before looking back up at me.

I felt awful. I could only imagine how Tony currently felt, but I'm happy now...

... With someone new. I can only hope he eventually finds the same happiness that I have.

"Tony, I-"

"Mrs. Kang, you have a delivery," Miss Choi, my secretary, stated as she peeped through my office door.

I nodded, acknowledging her words. She closed the door and reopened it, bringing in a large bouquet of an assortment of flowers. I slightly furrowed my brows, unsure of who they may have been from, until she spoke.

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