Chapter 63: "Don't move."

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Hours had gone by since breakfast with Mrs. Kim. I aimlessly wandered every inch of the villa at least three times, staying away from the east wing. No matter where I looked, what corner I turned, there was no sign of a garden, nor a sign of a way out.

Of course, my plan wasn't at all to leave just yet, not aside from wanting to visit Tony, if he may even still be alive. The weight of those words made me feel as though there was a deep hole embedded in my chest.

Shaking the thought from my mind, I again, ventured outside. Thus time I noticed a door in the back of the villa I hadn't seen before. Out of curiosity, I cautiously approached it, and turned the knob, opening the large door. Behind it was one of the most beautiful indoor gardens I'd ever seen. The large, dome like roof was surrounded by large trees on the outside. The carefully crafted glass panes allowed the bright sun to shine through. The garden had not at all matched with the old appearance of the villa, making it even more stunning.

I swiftly paced through each aisle, admiring every plant. They all had their own characteristics and distinct differences that made each and everyone of them equally as beautiful, yet different. After about ten minutes of peaceful time inside the garden, my thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the door I'd just come through. I didn't bother to hide my presence when I turned to see who it was.

I furrowed my brows when I saw not a single person in sight. I took one last glance around the garden before deciding to slowly make my way to the door. I had barely cracked open the door before an arm from above my shoulder slammed it shut. I smirked at the door, knowing I'd caught the person's attention by attempting to leave.

"So you did come in?" I asked, smirking.

The firm, muscular and veiny arm remained firmly against the door. I looked at the open palm pressed against the wood, noticing the person's white knuckles. Whoever this was, I might've upset them from being here, but that was the least of my worries.

"Nothing to say? That's fine, I suppose I can-"

My words were cut off when a second hand was firmly placed on my arm, telling me that I shouldn't turn around. I wasn't at all scared, so much as I was curious. My curiosity piqued when whoever it was finally spoke.

"Don't move."

A/N: Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well!! I'm sure you've noticed these last two chapters were a bit short, and I apologize for that. I'm currently having a difficult time between writing, school, and a few personal things I'm trying to get worked out. I wish you all nothing but the best, but if the next few updates are a bit slow, or delayed until the end of the week, I don't want to leave you wondering why. Most likely, I'll have tomorrow's update on time since I really don't want to miss updating. On the contrary, if I take tomorrow off, please understand why. Thank you all for showing love to this story, again, you're always appreciated.
Much love~ ♥︎

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